Vascular Disease

Blood Pressure

 NormalElevated BPStage I HTNStage II HTNHTN UrgencyHTN Emergency
Blood PressureSystolic ≤120
Diastolic ≤ 80
Systolic ≤130
Diastolic ≤ 80
Systolic ≤ 140
Diastolic ≤ 90
Systolic >140
Diastolic >90
Systolic ≥ 220
Diastolic ≥ 120
Systolic ≥ 220
Diastolic ≥ 120
PLUS end organ damage
Treatmentf/u in 1 yearlifestyle modifications and f/u in 6monthslife style modifications and f/u in 3 months, or those with 10% risk use life style modifications + meds and f/u in 1 monthlife style modifications + 2 meds and f/u in 1 monthIV meds then oral medsDrip + ICU with 25% reduction of mean arterial pressure

Lifestyle modifications

Blood Pressure Medications

  Side EffectNote
Thiazides decreases K+, decreases urinary Ca2+ excretion+ treatment for kidney stones
Ace-i/ARBs increase creatinine, increase K+, can cause cough or angioedemaDo not use ARBs after ACE-I angioedema, but ok to use after d/c for cough
Calcium Channel Blocker peripheral edema+ anti-anginal , not useful in heart failure with reserved ejection fraction
Verapamil and Diltiazem  Rate controlcan be used for Atrial fibrillation
Beta-Blocker decreased heart rateUsed for heart failure with reserved ejection fraction and CAD
K+ BlockersSpirnolactone/ Epleranoneincreases K+, gynecomastiaprimary and secondary hyperaldosteronism
Aortic DilatorHydralazineReflex tachycardia, drug induced lupusCKD stage 5, use for CHF
Iso-sorbite denigrate  no nitrates with PDE 5 inhibitorsAnti-anginal medication
Alpha agonist  orthostatic hypotensionBPH
Central clonidine  rebound htncan use transdermal patch to decrease rebound HTN instead of BID dosing


Statin strength

Low Intensity Moderate Intensity High Intensity
Simvastatin 5, 10
Pravastatin 10, 20
Lovastatin 20
Atorvasatin 10, 20
Rosuvastatin 5, 10
Simbastatin 20, 40
Pravistatin 40, 80
Lovastatin 40
Atrovastatin 40, 80
Rosuvastatin 20, 40

Cholesterol Drugs

 StatinFibratesEzetimibeBile acid resinsNiacin
MOAdecreasing LDL and TGdecreases TG and increases HDLdecreases LDLdecreases LDLincreases HDL and decreases LDL
Side Effectsmyositis and increases LFT’smyositis and increases LFT’sdiarrheadiarrheaFlushing —> ASA

Vasculitis – Large Vessels

Giant Cell Arteritis->50 y/o
-large vessels- external carotid, ophthalmic artery, temporal artery
-jaw claudication, vision change, temporal tenderness, unilateral headache
-elevated ESR, weight loss, fever, malaise
biopsy show granulomashigh dose steroids
Takayasu Arteritis
-<40 y/o
-large vessels- aorta and branches (subclavian, renal, femoral)
-elevated ESR, fever, weight loss
angiogramhigh dose steroids

Vasculitis – Medium Vessels

Kawasaki Disease
medium vessels
-strawberry tongue, foot/hand erythema/edema, fever, cervical lymphadenopathy, rash (polymorphous–>desquamating), conjunctival injection

IVIG + aspirin

-F/U- vasculitis of coronary arteries leading to MI

Polyarteritis Nodosa
-associated with hepatitis B
-medium vessels (gut, kidney, skin)
-mesenteric ischemia, renal failure, purpura, subcutaneous painful nodules, mononeuritis multiplex (painful asymmetric motor and sensory deficit that comes and goes), HTN, fever, weight loss, headache
angiogram (aneurysms and stenosis)steroids + cyclophosphamide

Vasculitis – Small Vessels

Cryoglobulinemia-associated with hepatitis C
-palpable purpura arthralgia, peripheral neuropathy, renal disease
cryoglobulins, decreased complement, positive RF, elevated ESRplasmapheresis (severe); steroids + cyclophosphamide; treat underlying disease
HSP-palpable purpura + GI (pain or bleed) + arthralgiasbiopsy (leukocytoclastic vasculitis)steroids
Eosinophilic polyangiitis-eosinophilia, asthma, sinusitis, kidney, peripheral neuropathy (eg. wrist/foot drop)-p-ANCAsteroids + cyclophosphamide 
Wegener’s granulomatosis with polyangiitis-small vessels
-hemoptysis, hematuria, sinusitis, saddle nose deformity
c-ANCA, biopsy (vasculitis and necrotizing granulomas)steroids + cyclophosphamide

Medium Vessel Vasculitis

Kawasaki Disease

  • Strawberry tongue
  • Foot/hand Erythema/edema
  • Fever
  • Cervical lymphadenopathy, rash (polymorphous-->desquamating)
  • Conjunctival injection
  • Treatment: IVIG + aspirin
  • F/U- vasculitis of coronary arteries leading to MI

Polyarteritis Nodosa

  • Associated with Hepatitis B (gut, kidney, skin)
  • Mesenteric ischemia, renal failure, purpura, subcutaneous painful nodules, mononeuritis multiplex (painful asymmetric motor and sensory deficit that comes and goes), HTN, fever, weight loss, headache
  • Dx: angiogram (aneurysms and stenosis)
  • Tx: Steroids + Cyclophosphamide