Hypervolemic Hypo-Natremia
- Causes:
- Cirrhosis
- Nephrotic Syndrome
Euvolemic Hyponatremia
- Causes:
- Compulsive H2O drinking (Psychogenic polydipsia)
HypOvolemic Hypo-Natremia
- Causes:
- Adrenal Insufficiency
- Diuretics (urine sodium elevated)
- GI loss of fluids (vomiting, diarrhea)
- Renal
- Skin loss of fluids(Burns, Sweating)
- Management:
- Correct the underlying cause and replace it with normal (isotonic) saline. Remember to check serum sodium frequently.
Hyper-Kalemia (K+)
- Diagnosis:
- First peaked T-waves occur, then loss of the P-wave, and then the widened QRS complex occurs.
- First peaked T-waves occur, then loss of the P-wave, and then the widened QRS complex occurs.
- Management:
- Moderate HyperKalemia with no EKG abnormalities:
- 1 – Insulin and glucose intravenously.
- 2 – Bicarbonate to shift K+ into the cell when acidosis is the cause of the K+ or there is rhabdomyolysis, hemolysis, or another reason to alkalinize the urine.
- 3 – Kayexalate (K+-binding resin) is administered orally to remove K+ from the body. This takes several hours.
- Severe HyperKalemia with EKG abnormalities:
- 1 – Administer Ca++ gluconate IV to protect the heart.
- 2 – Follow with insulin and glucose IV.
- 3 – Conclude with Kayexalate.
- Bicarbonate MOA to lower K+:
- When alkalosis pulls H+ out of cells, another cation must go in to maintain electrical neutrality. As H+ ions come out of cells, K+ goes in.
- Moderate HyperKalemia with no EKG abnormalities:
- Show “Uwaves,” which have an extra wave after the T-wave indicative of Purkinje fiber repolarization.
- Management:
- IV K+ replacement must be slow so as not to cause an arrhythmia with overly rapid administration.
- Avoid:
- Glucose-containing fluids in cases of HYPO-K+. They will increase insulin release and worsen hypokalemia.
- Presentation:
- muscular weakness and loss of deep tendon reflexes.
- Management:
- 1. Restricting intake
- 2. Saline administration to provoke diuresis
- 3. Occasionally dialysis
- Presentation:
- HYPO-Ca++ and cardiac arrhythmias
- Causes:
- – Loop diuretics
- – Alcohol withdrawal, starvation
- – Drugs: Gentamicin, amphotericin, diuretics, Cisplatin
- – Parathyroid surgery
- – Pancreatitis
- Leads to deposition of Ca in BV > calcified arteries > calciphylaxis
- Need to remove phosphate from diet and treat with phosphorous binders
Acid-Base Disorders
Metabolic Acidosis
Presentation | Dx | |
NORMAL AG (-) UAG | Suggest EXTRA-Renal issues (i.e. gut): – Diarrhea – Fistula – Ileal loop | NORMAL AG (-) UAG Equation: AG = [Na+] – ([Cl-] + [HCO3-]) = 12 +/- 2 Equation: UAG = Urine Na+ – Urine Cl- Urine anion gap (UAG) measurement -distinguish between diarrhea and RTA as the cause of the normal anion gap metabolic acidosis |
NORMAL AG (+) UAG | Suggest Renal Issues: – RTA – Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor | NORMAL AG (+) UAG |
High Anion Gap (HAG) | CAT MUDPILES Carbon monoxide, Cyanide, Congenital heart failure Aminoglycosides Teophylline, Toluene (Glue-sniffing) Methanol Uremia Diabetic ketoacidosis, Alcoholic ketoacidosis, Starvation ketoacidosis Paracetamol/Acetaminophen, Phenformin, Paraldehyde Iron, Isoniazid, Inborn errors of metabolism Lactic acidosis Ethanol (due to lactic acidosis), Ethylene glycol Salicylates/ASA/Aspirin | Equation: AG = [Na+] – ([Cl-] + [HCO3-]) = 12 +/- 2 |
Metabolic Alkalosis
Respiratory Acidosis
Respiratory Alkalosis
Primary Hypertension
- BP measurement procedures:
- When to start high BP treatment:
- Lifestyle modifications for HTN (5):
- BP target for HTN patients:
- Medication for HTN:
Secondary hypertension
- Presentation:
- Endocrine Causes:
Primary Aldosterone
- Presentation:
- Diagnosis:
- Management:
Cushing Syndrome
- Presentation:
- -HTN, buffalo hump, moon fancies, hirsutism, easy brusing
- Path:
- Glucocorticoids (cortisol) excess from adrenal gland due to overproduction of ACTH by pituitary adenoma -> unchecked activation of mineralocorticoid receptor
- Diagnosis:
- absence of cortisol suppression following dexamethasone administration
- Treatment:
- remove adenoma
- Presentation:
- Path:
- Diagnosis:
- Treatment:
Renovascular Hypertension
- Features:
- Causes:
- Unilateral vs. Bilateral:
- Unilateral:
- -constant elevation of renin/angiotensin/aldosterone out runs the normal kidney
- compensation
- -normal kidney keeps volume low
- -secondary aldosterone
- -treat with hormone blockers
- Bilateral:
- -high BP maintained by retention of salt and water
- -treat with diuretics
- -can have significant rise in creatinine with RAAS blocker
- Unilateral:
- Diagnosis:
- Treatment:
Renal Parenchymal Hypertension
Sleep Apnea
- HTN occurs due to activation of the sympathetic nervous system and RAAS
- Suspect if snore, or ease, thick neck, or daytime sleepiness
- Treat with CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure
Coarctation of the aorta
- Congenital narrowing of the aorta, on the downturn
- Hypertension in upper limbs, with reduced BP in lower limbs
- Delayer femoral pulses
- Kids diagnosed with imaging, surgical treatment
Kidney Disorders
Acute Interstitial Nephritis
- Inflammatory attack of tubules
- Skin rash, arthralgias, or arthritis
- Rising BUN and Creat
- Urine: WBC WBC casts, granular casts, eosinophils
- CBC: elevated WBC/eosinophils
- *Confirmatory diag=renal biopsy
- Most common cause: medications
- Treat with steroids
Chronic Interstitial Nephritis
- Caused by: medications, heavy metals, autoimmune, etc
- ALWAYS presents as a Progressive Kidney Failure Syndrome > Chronic Kidney Disease
- Slow rises of BUN/Creat
Acute tubular Injury/Necrosis
- Ischemic: Spotty thought out
- Causes: blood loss, hypotension, septic shock, surgery
- Symptoms: Oliguria, Low BP, shock
- Toxic: whites out the PCT and DLH
- Causes: drugs, antibiotics, chemo
- Symptoms: non-specific, can have normal urine
- Inflammatory
- Obstruction
**Hyperkalemia, Rising BUN/Creat
Tubular casts and Granular casts
Nephritic Syndromes
- Path:
- Urine:
- Causes:
- Serum Complement Levels:
- Treatment:
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
Crescent Glomerulonephritis
- Necrosis of capillaries
- Fibrin released into Bowman’s space attracts macrophages > macrophages engulf fibrin > epithelioid cell
- Give steroids
Nephrotic Syndromes
- Presentation:
- Urine:
- Complications:
Minimal change disease
- Most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in children, biopsy in adult
- Complete loss of Podocytes
- Sudden onset
- Drug-induced
- Steroid receptive
- Increased risk of VTE
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
Membranous Nephropathy
- Primary (immune), Secondary (drugs, malignancy, viral)
- Immune deposits in the basement membrane
- Treat based on protein levels with cyclophosphamide and steroids
Primary Amyloidosis
- Amyloid with mesangial deposits in Glomerular basement membrane
- Treatment based on systemic disease
- Extremely poor prognosis
Diabetic Nephropathy
- Always progressive without hypoalbuminemia
- Decline in GFR related to proteinuria
- Treat with ACEI/HTN and glucose control
Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA)
Type I Distal RTA
- H is not excreted
- Urine anion gap is +
- Alkaline urine
- Calcium phosphate and struvite kidney stones
- Hypercalciuria
- Hypokalemia
- Sjogren syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis
- Rickets
- Treated with Sodium bicarbonate
Type II Proximal RTA
- Bicarbonate is not reabsorbed (FE is high)
- Acidic urine
- Hypokalemia
- Fanconi syndrome
- Multiple myeloma
- Acetazolamide
- Treated with Sodium bicarbonate
- Low aldosterone/low renin
- Hyperkalemia
- Acidic urine
- Addison’s disease
- Potassium inhibits Ammonia formation in type IV RTA
- Type IV RTA is treated with Mineralocorticoid (fludrocortisone)
Isolated/Benign Proteinuria
Tubular proteinuria
- The proximal tubule isn’t reabsorbing spill protein
- In Chronic and acute tubule-interstitial disease
- Will also see glycosuria and phosphaturia
- Drug-induced, systemic disease, infections
Overflow proteinuria
Non-Renal Proteinuria
Chronic Kidney Disease
- Definition:
- Staging System:
GFR measurement
- Insulin clearance = gold standard
- 24-hour urine: use in extreme age, body size, vegetarian diet, or weird conditions
- Prediction equations=what people actually use
- -CKD-EPI, MDRD, Cockcroft-Gault
CKD and Anemia
- Low GFR > Hemoglobin falls
- -EPO deficiency, uremic toxins, shortened RBC life span, blood loss, hyperparathyroidism
- Treatment:
Renal Osteodystrophy
- 1. Osteitis fibrosa-high bone turnover from hyperparathyroidism hormone
- 2. Osteomalacia- defective mineralization and increased matric synthesis
- 3. A dynamic Bone disease- low bone turnover from over suppressed PTH
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
Simple Cysts
Tuberous sclerosis
- Type fo polycystic kidney disease
- Angiofibromas on face
- Seizures, intellectual disabilities
- Respiratory compromise
- Recurrent Hematuria
- Increased risk of renal cell carcinoma
PKD (polycystic kidney disease)
- Ciliopathy
- Rental degeneration, loss of smell, obesity, diabetes, liver fibrosis
- ADPKD is most common gene mutation
- Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
- Slow gradual bilateral kidney enlargement and loss of kidney function
- Pain, kidney stones
- Hypertension, hepatic cysts, diverticulosis
- PKD1 mutation: 85%
- PKD 2 mutation
ARPKD (Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease)
Kidney Stones
Chronic Kidney Stone
- 1. Increase fluid intake
- 2. Increase calcium intake
- 3. Long-acting Thiazide to decrease hypercalciuria
- -mild volume depletion > increase sodium in PCT > increase Ca intake in PCT
- 4. Potassium citrate if uric acid stones
- -chelates calcium increases urine pH
- 5. Allopurinol
- -decrease uric level if citrate fails
Cystine Stones
- Defect in PCT reabsorption of cysteine, causing stones
- Autosomal recessive
- Hexagonal crystals in acidic urine
- treat with urinary alkalinization, citrate therapy
Medullary Sponge Kidney
- Malformation of terminal collecting ducts makes it easier for things to calcify in abnormal ducts
- Medullary cysts
- Stones, Hematuria, recurrent UTI
Dipstick Urinalysis
- High sensitivity for albumin, will not detect non-albumin protein
- False-positive: alkaline or concentrated urine
- False Negative: Acidic or dilute urine