Pregnancy Problems


  • Presentation:
    • Hemoglobin Nadir 28-30 weeks
    • iron deficiency
  • Dx: CBC – Hgb/Hct < 10/30
    • Decrease MCV
    • get Ferritin decrease
  • Tx: Iron


Hyperemesis Gravidarum

  • Presentation:
    • B-HCG or Estradiol cause
    • Morning sickness till 2nd TM
      • N/V, Volume  depletion
      • Startvation -> ketones
      • Weight loss
  • Dx:
    • B-HCG
    • US – r/o mole
  • Tx:
    • IVF
    • Antiemetics
      1. Doxyalamine
      2. Promethazine
      3. Metaclopromide
      4. Ondasetron


  • Presentation:
    • Goal: < 140/90
  • Tx:
    • a-methyldopa
    • Hydralazine
    • Metoprolol
  • Teratogenic: ACEi, ARBs, Diuretics, CCB

Rh Immunization

  • Presentation:
    • Isoimmunization
    • Rh- mom and Rh + baby
    • mom -> IgM -> IgG -> kill anemia
  • Dx: mom Rh status –
    • Ab status: Rh+
  • Tx:
    • Rh + no Ab = Rhogam at 28 weeks and within 72 hrs of delivery/C-section
    • Rh +  Ab+ = too late



  • Path:
    • Hyper: Fetal demise
    • Hypo: Cretinism
  • Pt:
    • Hyper: Increased
    • Hypo: Decreased
  • Dx:
    • Hyper: Increased T4 with Decreased TSH
    • Hypo: Decreased T4 with Increased TSH
  • Tx:
    • Hyper: PTU pregnancy, 2nd trimester pregnancy for surgery if absolutely necessary
  • Hypo:
    • Levothryoxine f/u TSH q 4 weeks
  • f/u:
    • Increased TBG, increased levothryoixine (need more T 4 in pregnancy by 25%)