Pericardial Disorders

The Cardiac Disease section provides High Yield information for the USMLE, COMLEX, Medical School, Residency, and as a practicing Physicians. Prepare and Learn Ahead! Educating, Preparing, and Proving high-yield content, quizzes, and medical resources. to students who are interested in the medical field.

Pericardial disease


  • Path: Viral, uremia

  • Pt: Chest pain, pluritis, positional pain/relief

  • Dx: Best is an MRI

  • Tx: NSAIDS, Colchasine, Steroids
    • Best choice = NSAIDS + Cholchacine

  • Side effects:
    • NSAIDS = CKD, PUD, decrease pH
    • Colchasines = dose limited
    • Steroids – not the solution unless absolutely necessary

  • F/u: recurrence increased with steroids
  • ** Uremic pericarditis can be solved using HD

Pericardial Effusion


Pericardial Tamponade