Table Of Contents
- Congratulate patient!
- Is now a convenient time to check your baby?
General Observation
- Asleep or awake?
- Warm or cool?
- Vital signs?
- Difficulty breathing?
- Signs of distress or Illness – Contact attending physician
- Notice color, posture/tone, activity, size, maturity, and quality of cry.
- Ex: an infant has a normal pink color, normal flexed posture and strength, good activity and responsiveness to the exam, relatively large size (> 9 pounds), physical findings consistent with term gestational age (skin, ears, etc), and a nice strong cry.
Physical Exam (Head to Toe)
- HEAD: Inspect and palpate the head noting: bruising, edema, molding/shape, sutures, and fontanelles.
- CLAMS (top of head)
- Coronal suture
- Lamboid suture
- Anterior fontanelle
- Metopic suture
- Sagittal suture
- Molding – temporary deformation that allows the skull to be malleable enough to fit through the birth canal
- Bruises and Swelling
- Cephalohematoma (sub-periosteal bleed)
- Does NOT cross suture lines
- bleeding below periosteum
- MC that is assisted with vacuum or forceps
- increased risk of jaundice due to the break down of Hgb as the bridge resolves
- Caput succedaneum (scalp edema)
- Crosses suture lines
- Fluid accumulation above the periosteum due to the force of delivery
- resolves in a few days of birth
- Subgaleal hemorrhage
- Extensive swelling that crosses suture lines
- bleeding due to rupture of emissary veins
- more extensive due to serious blood loss and fills a large space
- Cutis aplasia (Back of the head)
- a congenital anomaly where the fontanelles are not formed properly
- not dangerous
- Gentle but firm palpation will help distinguish these three entities from each other and from molding.
- Cephalohematoma (sub-periosteal bleed)
- Suture frequently overlap each other (“over-riding”) and fontanelle size varies.
- Within 24 hours, edema and molding will already show improvement.
- CLAMS (top of head)
- FACE: Examine the face:
- Evaluate the Eyes for: symmetry, set/shape, discharge, erythema, and red light reflexes.
- Eyes should be symmetric and in a normal position.
- widely spaced
- Eyelid edema is common after birth and resolves a few days.
- Palpebral fissures
- horizontal
- upslanting
- down slanting
- Slight yellow discharge in a normal eye may be benign, but injection in the conjunctiva (seen above in the baby’s right eye) is abnormal.
- Assess Red Reflex (by shining a light in the retinal vessels)
- Red light reflexes can be seen by looking at the pupils through an ophthalmoscope; they may appear orange-yellow in darker-skinned infants.
- should appear symmetric red reflex
- If Asymmetric red reflex (red and white)
- congenital cataract
- retinoblastoma
- Refer to ophthalmology and medical genetics
- Coloboma
- missing pieces of tissue in the eye
- Refer to ophthalmology and medical genetics
- Eyes should be symmetric and in a normal position.
- Evaluate the Ears: ear set/shape, preauricular pits/tags
- top of ear aligned with the eyes (low set ears = down syndrome)
- Helix formation
- Crus formation
- Pits
- Skin tags
- May be associated with genetic conditions, hearing loss, or kidney anomalies
- Evaluate the Nose: nasal shape/patency
- Assess patency of the nares
- Neonates are preferential nasal breathers
- If History of respiratory distress? or Noisy breathing when feeding or crying?
- placing French catheter thru each nose
- Edema from suctioning at birth
- Choanal atresia
- improper formation of nasal airways
- Coloboma
- Heart abnormalities
- Atresia of the choanae
- Retardation of growth/development
- Genitourinary abnormalities
- Ear abnormalities
- Refer to ENT specialist and medical geneticist
- Choanal stenosis
- partial formation of nasal airways
- Choanal atresia
- Evaluate Mouth and Jaw: palate, gums, lips
- Insert finger to newborn’s mouth
- check for suck reflex – healthy baby will have this
- feel the top of the palate (soft palate in the back and hard palate in the front)
- Cleft hard palate
- Cleft lip
- Cleft soft palate
- Refer either one to ENT
- Evaluate the Tongue
- can push past lower gums or elevate
- If NOT = Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie)
- cannot push tongue past lower gums
- impair the ability to breastfeed
- Frenotomy is indicated if breastfeeding is painful or inefficient
- can push past lower gums or elevate
- Ears should not appear low or posteriorly rotated.
- Although nasal congestion can be present in newborns, there should not be nostril flaring or respiratory distress.
- Palate should be intact visibly and by palpation (submucosal clefts occur).
- Tongue should be freely mobile.
- Ex: the lingual frenulum under the tongue is restricting tongue elevation when the baby cries.
- Evaluate the Eyes for: symmetry, set/shape, discharge, erythema, and red light reflexes.
- NECK: Examine the neck and clavicles for: range of motion, asymmetry, masses, or crepitus.
- Infants have very short necks, but they should have a full range of motion from side to side, and the neck should appear symmetric.
- Neck webbing
- Turner syndrome
- Redundant skin in the back of the neck
- Noonan syndrome
- Neck webbing
- To palpate clavicles, use a firm, steady pressure along the entire length of the bone, from shoulder to sternum, to detect crepitus, edema, or step-offs that indicate a clavicular fracture.
- swelling over the left clavicle could indicate a fracture.
- Fractures of the clavicle may occur during delivery, particularly in infants who had shoulder dystocia
- Infants have very short necks, but they should have a full range of motion from side to side, and the neck should appear symmetric.
- Observe Chest: shape of thorax, position of nipples, and work of breathing.
- Chest should have a normal contour with nipples near the mid-clavicular line.
- Flat
- Concave (Pectus excavatum)
- Convex (Pectus carinatum)
- MC in Marfan Syndrome
- Small breast buds are present in term infants.
- Breathing should appear easy.
- Ex: unusually prominent ribs as a result of intercostal retractions, a sign of respiratory distress.
- Chest should have a normal contour with nipples near the mid-clavicular line.
- Listen for and assess: breath sounds, heart murmurs, and femoral pulses.
- Lung sounds should be clear and equal.
- Auscultate 4 spots on the front and back
- Normal respiratory rate is 40 – 60 bpm.
- periodic breathing – normal for infants to take short pauses in their breathing, slightly irregular
- Listen to 4 spots on the heart:
- Normal heart rate is 120 – 160 bpm.
- Quality and location of murmurs should be noted.
- Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
- benign
- close in a few days after birth
- if not resolve after a few days, further eval is needed
- pre- and post- ductal oxygen saturations (SaO2)
- 4 extremity blood pressures
- Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
- Femoral pulses are best obtained when the infant is quiet. They should feel strong and equal.
- unable to find a pulse or very weak in one side
- Aortic coarctation
- measure pre- and post ductal oxygen saturations and four extremity blood pressures
- Aortic coarctation
- Check for the presence of inguinal hernia
- unable to find a pulse or very weak in one side
- Assess Abdomen: bowel sounds, liver, spleen, kidneys, and umbilical cord .
- Bowel sounds should be present and the abdomen soft (not distended)
- A liver edge in nornally palpable 1 – 2 cm below the right costal margin.
- A spleen should not be detected on physical exam.
- Kidneys may be palpated by an experienced examiner, but are likely enlarged if easily felt.
- Intra-abdominal neoplasm:
- Neuroblastoma
- Wilm’s tumor
- Intra-abdominal neoplasm:
- The cord should be clean and dry.
- umbilical hernia
- reducible or not by palpating
- Incarcerated – a hernia that feels firm or stuck in place
- should be evaluated by a surgical specialist
- If fresh, the umbilical vessels may be assesssed also.
- There should be two arteries and one vein.
- Evaluate Groin: labia, hymen (or penis, testicles), and anus .
- For girls, both labia majora and minora should be seen.
- Normal hymenal tissue is light pink with a central orifice between the labia minora.
- Labia and clitoris may appear engorged as a result of maternal hormones
- White or mucoid discharge or a small amount of bleeding is normal.
- Vaginal skin tags on the posterior fourchette
- For boys, the penile shaft should appear straight with an intact foreskin.
- Testicles should be palpable bilaterally as small (1 cm) symmetric masses.
- Swollen around the testicles – Hydrocele
- a fluid collection around the testes which will spontaneously resolve
- Examine the penis
- abnormal curvatures
- foreskin should fully cover the glans
- Hypospadias
- the hooded foreskin, the ventral displacement of the urethral meatus
- The anus should have a visible orifice within the sphincter. Stool in the diaper is not evidence of patency.
- Assess the patency of the anus by using one hand to hold the legs and the other to gently spread apart the gluteal cleft
- For girls, both labia majora and minora should be seen.
- Inspect extremities for: mobility, deformity, and stability.
- Fingers and toes should be counted and evaluated for evidence of malformation. (10 fingers and 10 toes)
- 6 fingers (polydactyly)
- short fingers (brachydactyly)
- long fingers (arachnodactyly)
- missing or extra digits = further investigations
- Single transverse palmar crease
- MC Down syndrome
- Arms and legs should appear symmetric bilaterally and have normal position and good tone.
- Hip Dysplasia
- congenital deformation or misalignment
- MC if :
- Family history of hip dysplasia
- girls
- breech presentation in utero
- All neonates with risk factors should have a hip US at 4-6 weeks of life regardless of normal hip exam
- Ortolani and Barlow maneuvers are used to evaluate hips for subluxation or dislocation.
- Barlow
- adduct the knee
- push posteriorly to check for posterior dislocation
- Ortolani
- leg and knee at 90 degrees
- then fold the thighs outward
- If you feel clunk or dislocation
- F/u with PCP or an ortho surgeon
- Barlow
- Ex: newborn has bilateral clubfeet.
- Fingers and toes should be counted and evaluated for evidence of malformation. (10 fingers and 10 toes)
- Assess back and spine for: symmetry, skin lesions, and masses.
- Back should appear symmetric and spine should be palpable all along its length.
- Blue-grey macules
- common
- fade over time
- Erythema toxicum
- pustules on an erythematous base
- appears at 24-48 hours of life
- Sacral dimple
- check if you can clearly visualize the base of the indentation
- if you cannot, the infant may have:
- Tethered cord
- Spina bifida occulta
- Other findings of sacral abnormality:
- conspicous patch of hair on the lower back
- asymmetric gluteal cleft
- Blue-grey macules
- Unusual skin lesions, tags, or masses should be noted as these may indicate underlying spinal dysraphism.
- Back should appear symmetric and spine should be palpable all along its length.
- Neurologic: Evaluate the following reflexes: suck, grasp (hands and feet), and Moro.
- awake or asleep
- irritable or calm
- consolable or inconsolable
- Motor function
- assess by observation
- move all extremities
- face symmetric
- Sensation
- respond to your touch
- There are several other reflexes present at birth, but unless there is concern about the neurologic state of the infant, a general screening with the items listed above should be sufficient.
- symmetric
- if asymmetric = neurologic or orthopedic condition
- grasp hands
- hypertonic (head come up with body)
- hypotonic (does head lag behind)
- Moro Reflex
- hold the infant and pull forward until a few cm above the bassinet
- drop her head gently into your other hand
- hands should open
- upper extremities should extend then retract
- Palmar Grasp reflex
- put your finger into the infant’s palm
- infant will wrap his/her fingers around yours
- Rooting Reflex
- tapping infants cheek
- infant will try to suck your finger
- symmetric
- change diaper
- re-swaddle baby
- thank family for examining baby
- ask family for any questions