OMT Techniques

The OMT Techniques provides High Yield information that is needed for the COMLEX Level 1, 2, and 3, Medical School, Residency, and as a practicing Physician.

Direct Techniques

Active / PassivePrinciples UsedPlacement
Energy Technique
ActiveIsometric resistance and Golgi Tendon ReflexActive direct use of golgi tendon reflex.
1. Pt’s dysfunction guided to all barriers.
2. Pt tries to move toward freedom against isometric resistance for 3-5 seconds.
3. Repeat 2 more times then passive stretch into resistance.
4. Reassess
HVILAPassiveExtensibility of connective tissue (massage)Passive Direct
1. First prepare the joint with soft tissue / indirect techniques.
2. Joint placed into barrier, “LOCKING OUT”
3. Apply a specific, rapid, controlled, low amplitude thrust through the barrier. (NEVER EXCESSIVE)
4. Reassess

Indirect Techniques

Active / PassivePlacement
1. disengage (compress or retract)
2. exaggerate (into ease)
3. balance (find middle point –> feel the release)
CounterstrainPassivePassive indirect resetting of the muscle spindles.
1. Pt placed into freedom and held for 90 SECONDS.
2. Slowly returned to neutral position. (Dont excite spindles!)
3. Reassess
PassivePassive Indirect resetting of muscle spindles.
1. Pt placed in neutral position. (Straight head)
2. A compressive force is applied to the treatment point. (Down on the tighthead)
3. Pt placed into freedom and held for 3-5 seconds.
4. Reassess

Direct/Indirect Techniques

Active / PassivePlacement
Still techniquePassive1. place into ease
2. activating force
3. move towards bind
4. release force and then return

Cranial Treatments

CV4– increases the CRI
– CRI increased w/ infection and post-OMT
– CRI decreased w/ depression
Venous sinus technique– assists in draining the cranium, useful w/ headaches and infection
V-spread– spreads restricted sutures