OMT Lower Extremity Somatic Dysfunction

The OMT Lower Extremity Somatic Dysfunction provides High Yield information that is needed for the COMLEX Level 1, 2, and 3, Medical School, Residency, and as a practicing Physician.

Q angle

Genu valgus

Genu varum

Genu recurvatum

Short Leg Syndrome

  • A discrepancy in Anatomical or Functional Leg Length

  • 1) Sacral Base Unlevling
  • 2) Vertebral Sidebending and Rotation
  • 3) Innominate Rotation
  • Anatomical Leg Length Discrepancy
    • “Actual” Anatomically Short Leg
  • Functional Leg Length Discrepancy
    • “Appears” to be Short Leg

Compensated C-Shaped Scoliosis

  • [Short Leg Syndrome] …short leg
  • 1) Lumbar = SB Away, R Toward from
    • – Increase Ferguson Angle 2-3 Degrees
  • 2) Shoulder = Higher on
  • 3) Pelvis = R Away (Rotates to long leg)
  • 4) Anterior Innominate Rotation
    • (Posterior Innominate Rotation on the long leg)
  • 5) (Internally Rotate on the long leg)
  • 6) (Pronation of Foot on the long leg)

Compensated S-Shaped Scoliosis

  • [Short Leg Syndrome]
  • 1) Compensatory C-Shaped Scoliosis
  • 2) 2nd Compensatory Curve Superior
  • – SB Away
  • Shoulder = Lower on short leg

Short Leg Treatment

  • Fragile or Hospitalized Patient
    • 1/16 + 1/16 (2 weeks)
  • Standard “Flexible” Patient 
    • 1/8 + 1/8 (2 weeks)
  • Trauma Patient
    • Full Amount of Lift Lost
  • Maximum Amount of Heel Lift
    • 1/2 Inches
  • A complication of Applying Heel Lift to Short Leg
    • The leg will grow faster than the unaffected leg

Anterior Fibular Head

Posterior Fibular Head SD

Ankle Sprains