OMT Head Dysfunction

The OMT Head Dysfunction provides High Yield information that is needed for the COMLEX Level 1, 2, and 3 during Medical School.

Indications for OMT Head Dysfunction

ENT sequence (10 steps)

1. thoracic outlet release
2. anterior cervical arches (hyoid bone–>tracheal rings)
3. submandibular release (myofascial release; underneath the chin)
4. cervical chain (SCM; from bottom-up)
5. mandibular drainage; Galbreath technique (open up Eustachian tube)
6. periauricular drainage
7. frontonasal suture technique (cross fingers on the nose)
8. trigeminal stimulation
9. frontal effleurage (sweeping)
10. suboccipital release (help balance parasym tone; vagus nerve)

Facial Effleurage

Upper Respiratory Infection


  • Red Flags (10)
    • a. First/worst headache of a patient’s life
    • b. Headache beginning after 50 years of age and before 5 years of age
    • c. Occipital headaches in children
    • d. Headache with signs of systemic illness (fever, rash, stiff neck)
    • e. Abnormal neurologic exam
    • f. Headache subsequent to head trauma, including loss of consciousness
    • g. Headache triggered by exertion, Valsalva maneuver, or sexual activity
    • h. New or severe hypertension
    • i. New headaches in patients with cancer, immunosuppression, or pregnancy
    • j. Different than the normal pattern
Migraine Cephalgias
Tension-type cephalgias
Trigeminal autonomic (cluster headaches)
  • Strictly unilateral
  • Severe to very severe
  • 15 minutes to 3 hours or longer
  • Triggers: possibly alcohol, histamine, or nitroglycerine during a cluster period
  • Occur in series or clusters
  • Ipsilateral facial symptoms, such as edema, congestion, lacrimation, sweating, miosis, as well as agitation

Temporomandibular junction disorder