OMT Cervical Somatic Dysfunction

The OMT Cervical Somatic Dysfunction provides High Yield information that is needed for the COMLEX Level 1, 2, and 3, Medical School, Residency, and as practicing Physician.

Cervical Tender Points

Anterior Cervical Tender Points

Can fine-tune with side bending away
Transverse process or mandible (mandible: posterior
surface f the ascending ramus of the mandible at the
level of the earlobe)
Anatomic Correlation:
– Rectus capitis anterior muscle

anterolateral aspect of the anterior tubercle of
the C2-C6 transverse process
Anatomic Correlation:
– Longus Colli muscle
– Longus Capitis muscle
– Anterior scalene muscle

superior to the medial end of the clavicle at the
clavicular attachment of the SCM

on the medial end of the clavicle at the sternal
attachment of the SCM
Posterior Cervical Tender Points
PC 1 inionF S R

On the inferior nuchal line lateral to the inion
Anatomic Correlation: deep to the trapezius, near the medial border of the semispinalis capitis &/or rectus capitis posterior minor
PC 1-2 occE SARA

PC1: on the posterior inferior border of the occiput, in the splenius capitis muscle, midway between the inion and mastoid process
*Anatomic Correlation:
– Obliquus capitis superior
– Rectus capitis posterior major & minor muscles

PC2: just below the occiput, on the inferior nuchal line, in the semispinalis muscle, just lateral to midline
*Anatomic Correlation:
– Rectus capitis posterior major & minor muscles
– Obliquus capitis superior
PC 2; 3; 4-8 midline and lateralE SARA

PC2: on the superior tip of sp of C2
PC4-8: on the inferior tip of sp of segment above
*Anatomic Correlation:
– Splenius capitis/cervicis
– Semispinalis cervicis
– Multifidus
– Interspinales

PC3-7: in the semispinalis &/or multifidus over the posterior articular pillar
PC8: anterior to the trapezius muscle on the transverse process of C7
PC 3 sp (maverick)F SARA

(on the inferior tip of sp of segment above)

Cervical Long Axis Kneading

  • TECHNIQUE: Soft tissue, passive, direct, regional; Traction is parallel to the affected tissue
  • INDICATIONS: Hypertonicity of paravertebral mm.; TART changes in C-spine
  • SET UP: Patient supine
    • Contact paravertebral mm. lateral to the spinous processes
    • Move fingers inferolateral to displace skin then draw superiorly
    • Repeat until there is observable softening of the tissues, increase in warmth and/or compliance
    • RETEST

Cervical Transverse Push-Pull

  • TECHNIQUE: Soft tissue, passive, direct, regional or segmental, bilateral; traction is perpendicular to affected tissue
  • INDICATIONS: Hypertonicity of paravertebral mm.; TART changes in C-spine
  • SET UP: Patient supine, opposite side of dysfunction
    • Place non-treatment hand on patient’s forehead and contact paravertebral mm.lateral to the spinous processes
    • Apply anterolateral to the paraspinal mm. while gently rotating the head away from you to create a dynamic stretch
    • Continue until desired tissue response is achieved
    • RETEST

Cervical Flexion

  • TECHNIQUE: Articulatory (LVHA), direct, passive, regional
  • INDICATIONS: Cervical flexion restriction
  • SET UP: Patient supine. Operator can either support head directly or cross arms to contact either shoulder
    • Bring the patient’s head into his/her flexion restrictive barrier
    • Engage the barrier, move slightly through it and then back off
    • Repeat 50-100 times in a rhythmic fashion until there is a improvement in range of motion
    • RETEST

Cervical Extension

  • TECHNIQUE: Articulatory (LVHA), direct, passive, segmental
  • INDICATIONS: Cervical extension restriction
  • SET UP: Patient supine. Place one hand under the patient’s chin and the forefinger and thumb of the other hand on the articular pillars of the affected vertebra
    • Bring the patient’s head into his/her extension restrictive barrier
    • Engage the barrier, move slightly through it and then back off
    • Repeat 50-100 times in a rhythmic fashion until there is an improvement in range of motion
    • RETEST

Cervical Rotation

  • TECHNIQUE: Articulatory (LVHA), direct, passive, regional
  • INDICATIONS: Cervical rotation restriction
  • SET UP: Patient supine. Place one hand under the patient’s chin on the side of the restriction and the other on the patient’s occiput
    • Bring the patient’s head into his/her rotation restrictive barrier
    • Engage the barrier, move slightly through it and then back off
    • Repeat 50-100 times in a rhythmic fashion until there is an improvement in range of motion
    • RETEST

Cervical Sidebending

  • TECHNIQUE: Articulatory (LVHA), direct, passive, regional
  • INDICATIONS: Cervical side-bending restriction
  • SET UP: Patient supine. Flex the patient’s head slightly and move into the side-bending restriction while placing the other hand on the patient’s opposite shoulder
    • Bring the patient’s head into his/her side-bending restrictive barrier
    • Engage the barrier, move slightly through it and then back off
    • Repeat 50-100 times in a rhythmic fashion until there is an improvement in range of motion
    • RETEST

OMT Cervical Somatic Dysfunction Techniques

Occipito-Atlanto Joint MET

  • TECHNIQUE: Muscle energy, direct, active, segmental
  • INDICATIONS: Somatic dysfunction of OA joint
  • SET UP: Patient supine.
    • Engage all three planes of restriction with hands placed under the patient’s head
    • Instruct patient to try and return to the midline using while resisting using unyielding counterforce for 3-5 seconds
    • Wait for 1 second or have the patient take a deep breath
    • Re-engage new restrictive barriers in all three planes
    • Repeat 3-5 times followed by a final stretch
    • RETEST

Atlanto-Axial Joint MET

  • TECHNIQUE: Muscle energy, direct, active, segmental
  • INDICATIONS: Somatic dysfunction of AA
  • SET UP: Patient supine
    • Fully flex patient’s neck and engage the feather edge of the rotation restriction with hands under the head
    • Instruct patient to try and return to the midline using while resiting using unyielding counterforce for 3-5 seconds
    • Wait for 1 second or have the patient take a deep breath
    • Re-engage new restrictive barrier
    • Repeat 3-5 times followed by a final stretch
    • RETEST

Typical Cervical MET

  • TECHNIQUE: Muscle energy, direct, active, segmental
  • INDICATIONS: Somatic dysfunction
  • SET UP: Patient supine.
    • Using the finger pads contact the articular pillars and engage the feather edge of all three planes of restriction
    • Instruct patient to try and return to the midline using while resiting using unyielding counterforce for 3-5 seconds
    • Wait for 1 second or have the patient take a deep breath
    • Re-engage new restrictive barriers in all three planes
    • Repeat 3-5 times followed by a final stretch
    • RETEST

Myofascial Release

Craniocervical MFR: indirect technique

Ligamentum nuchae MFR

Suboccipital release/inhibition
