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- DDX:
- Physical Exam:
- – VS: State (or WNL or WNL except…) (no orthostatic changes)
- – General: Patient is in no acute distress
- – HEENT: Inspect head, mouth, carotid auscultation and palpation, thyroid exam
- NC/AT, Conjunctivae normal, PERRLA, (EOMI without nystagmus,) Fundoscopic exam normal, red reflex intact, no papilledema;
- – Chest Exam: Auscultation
- Clear breath sounds bilaterally/Clear breath sounds bilaterally
- – Heart Exam: Auscultation, Palpate pulses
- RRR, S1, S2 wnl, No murmurs, rubs, or gallops heard, Carotid upstroke NL, no bruit. Radial, Posterior tibial, dorsalis pedis pulse intact 2+ b/l, feet warm
- – Neuro Exam: Mental Status Exam, Cranial nerves (including fundoscopic exam), Motor exam, DTRs, Gait, sensory exam
- Alert and Oriented x 3, CN 2-12 intact grossly (except …); Motor: Strength 5/5 in all muscle groups; Sensation: Intact to pinprick and soft touch; DTRs, symmetric 2+ in upper and lower extremities, (-) babinski bilaterally; Gait: Normal
- Work-up:
Arnold Chiari Malformation
Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
- Presentation:
- DDX:
- – Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
- – Alcoholic Peripheral Neuropathy
- – Vitamin B12 deficiency
- – Hypocalcemia
- – Hyperventilation
- – Paraproteinemia/Myeloma
- Work-up:
- – CBC with diff, HbA1c, ESR, Calcium, Serum B12
- – Urinary Analysis
- – Serum and urine protein electrophoresis
Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
- Presentation:
- – ascending loss of strength in the lower legs over the past two weeks. recent URI.
- – Acute, autoimmune, polyradiculoneuropathy affecting the peripheral nervous system, usually triggered by an acute infectious process.
- – Several types of GBS, but unless otherwise stated, GBS refers to the most common form, acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (AIDP).
- – Severe and usually ascending paralysis starting with lower limb (legs) weakness that ascends to upper limbs and face along with complete loss of DTRs.
- DDX:
- – Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)
- – Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- – Polymyositis
- – Myasthenia Gravis (MG)
- – Peripheral Neuropathy
- – Tumor in the vertebral canal
- Work-up:
- – CBC with diff, Electrolytes, CPK, Serum B12
- – LP—CSF analysis
- – MRI— spine
- – EMG/Nerve Conduction Study
- – Tensilon Test
- Treatment:
- – plasmapheresis followed by immunoglobulins and supportive care
- (ventilator b/c death may occur if severe pulmonary complications and dysautonomia are present)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Myasthenia Gravis (MG)
- Presentation:
- – occasional double vision and droopy eyelids that quikly resolves
- – Neuromuscular disease leading to fluctuating muscle weakness and fatiguability
- – Autoimmune disorder → weakness d/t circulating antibodies that block AChR at post-synaptic neuromuscular junction → inhibit ACh NT stim effect
- – Treated medically with cholinesterase inhibitors or immunosuppressants, and, in selected cases, thymectomy
- DDX:
- Work-up:
Spinal Muscle Atrophy
- Presentation:
- DDX:
- Work-up:
Tethered Cord
Todds paralysis
- Presentation:
- DDX:
- Work-up:
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
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