Muscular System

The Muscular System is part of the Anatomy and Physiology section which provides High Yield information for the MCAT exam needed for Medical School.

Muscle Basics

  • – Three types (cells are long and thin, called fibers)
    • 1. skeletal
      • a. striated
      • b. voluntary control
      • c. many nuclei per cell
      • d. longest fibers (extend the length of the whole muscle
    • 2. cardiac
      • a. striated
      • b. involuntary control
      • c. one nucleus per cell
    • 3. smooth
      • a. not striated
      • b. involuntary control
      • c. one nucleus per cell
  • – Functions
    • 1. movement
      • a. of whole body or body parts (skeletal)
      • b. of substances within body (cardiac – pumps blood, smooth – substances move through hollow organs)
    • 2. heat production (mostly skeletal)
    • 3. maintain posture and stabilize joints (skeletal)
  • – Characteristics
    • 1. excitability – respond to stimuli like neurotransmitters (from neurons) or hormones with
      electrical signals
    • 2. contractility – ability to develop tension (muscle fiber may shorten)
    • 3. extensibility – can stretch
    • 4. elasticity – assumes original length after stretching

Skeletal Muscle

  • – Associated Connective Tissue
    • 1. superficial fascia (subcutaneous layer or hypodermis)
      • a. areolar & adipose
        • 1) stores water and fat
        • 2) decreases heat loss
        • 3) protects underlying tissues
    • 2. deep fascia
      • a. dense irregular
        • 1) holds together functional groups of muscle
        • 2) allows free movement of muscles
        • 3) packs spaces between muscles, nerves and blood vessels pass through
    • 3. less coarse CT layers
      • a. protect and support muscle cells, reinforce whole muscle, provide elasticity
        • 1) epimysium – dense irregular CT, wraps whole muscle
        • 2) perimysium – dense irregular CT, wraps bundles of fibers called fascicles
        • 3) endomysium – similar to areolar CT, lots of reticular fibers, wraps each fiber
    • 4. all the CT layers are continuous with one another and with the tendons that attach the muscle to the periosteum of bone
      • a. tendons are dense regular CT
      • b. a flattened tendon is called an aponeurosis (may attach to bone, skin or another muscle)
  • – Skeletal muscle cells
    • 1. very large
      • a. 10 – 100 μm in diameter, may be many cm long
    • 2. plasma membrane called sarcolemma
    • 3. cytoplasm called sarcoplasm
      • a. lots of glycogen (stored form of glucose) and myoglobin (a protein that binds O2)
      • b. contains the usual organelles plus some modified ones
    • 4. myofibrils
      • a. specialized organelles that run the length of the cell (100s-1000s/cell)
      • b. made up of contractile units called sarcomeres
        • 1) sarcomeres are made up of myofilaments
        • 2) the arrangement of myofilaments causes the striations
      • c. myofilaments
        • 1) thick filaments- made of the protein myosin, often called cross-bridges because they can bind with the thin filaments
        • 2) thin filaments- made of the proteins actin (where myosin binds), tropomyosin and troponin
    • 5. sarcoplasmic reticulum
      • a. specialized smooth ER that stores calcium and releases it when signaled by a nerve impulse (an electrical signal from a neuron)
    • 6. T tubules
      • a. the sarcolemma penetrates into deeper parts of the cell, forming hollow tubes surrounding all the myofibrils
      • b. conducts electrical signals throughout the cell so all myofibrils contract at once
    • 7. Sliding Filament Mechanism
      • a. when a nerve impulse signals the muscle cell, calcium is released from the SR
      • b. this allows myosin to bind to actin and pull the thin filaments toward the center of the sarcomeres
      • c. ATP required
  • – Blood supply
    • 1. lots of blood needed to supply oxygen and carry away wastes from these very active cells
    • 2. vessels penetrate CT layers, lot of capillaries in endomysium
  • – Nerve supply 
    • 1. each muscle served by at least one motor nerve containing 100s of motor neurons
      • a. a motor unit is one motor neuron plus all the muscle fibers it innervates
      • b. a motor unit may have only a few muscle fibers or 1000+
      • c. fewer muscle fibers per motor unit where fine, delicate control needed (eyes, fingers)
      • d. more muscle fibers per motor unit where more power needed (limbs)
      • e. activating more motor units at one time means a more powerful contraction
    • 2. neuromuscular junction
      • a. area where a neuron meets a muscle fiber
      • b. separated by a gap called synaptic cleft
      • c. when an electrical signal (action potential) travels to the end of a neuron, the neuron releases a chemical message called a neurotransmitter (specifically, acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, also known as ACh)
      • d. the ACh binds to the muscle cell, and initiates an electrical signal (action potential) there
      • e. this ultimately results in the muscle fiber contracting
  • – Muscle tone
    • 1. small groups of motor units are periodically activated involuntarily
    • 2. this keeps the muscle ready to contract
  • – Fiber types
    • 1. red slow twitch (a.k.a. slow oxidative)
      • a. small
      • b. contract slowly (use ATP at a slow rate), have lots of mitochondria, myoglobin, good capillary supply (for using O2 to make ATP)
      • c. resist fatigue, good for low intensity endurance activity
      • d. postural muscles in back and lower limbs have lots
    • 2. white fast twitch (a.k.a. fast glycolytic)
      • a. large
      • b. contract quickly, with lots of power (use ATP at a fast rate)
      • c. fewer oxygen use components (generate most ATP anaerobically – without O2)
      • d. fatigue quickly, good for high intensity activity
      • e. lots in arms for lifting
    • 3. intermediate fast twitch (a.k.a. fast oxidative)
      • a. medium sized
      • b. contract quickly, with lots of power (like white fast twitch)
      • c. have component for making ATP with oxygen (like red slow twitch)
      • d. fatigue resistant, good for intermediate activities
      • e. muscles used for walking have lots
    • 4. each muscle has a mix of the three types, but has a greater proportion of the type used most often
    • 5. exercise can change fiber types
      • a. endurance activities(e.g., running long distances): white fast twitch → intermediate fast twitch
      • b. intense activities (e.g., weight lifting): intermediate fast twitch → white fast twitch
      • c. changes occur in size of fiber, blood supply, number of mitochondria, etc.
      • d. generally cannot convert between slow and fast fibers (depends on nerve supply)

Skeletal Muscular Anatomy

Cardiac Muscle

  • – 100 μm long, 15 μm diameter
  • – Basically the same set-up of myofilaments, etc.
  • – Cells connected by intercalated discs
    • 1. desmosomes and gap junctions
    • 2. cells contract as a unit
  • – Main electrical stimulation from specialized cells that spontaneously activate (autorhythmicity)
  • – Use oxygen to make ATP

1020 Cardiac Muscle
OpenStax / CC BY

Smooth Muscle

  • – 30 – 200 μm long, 2 – 10 μm diameter at middle
  • – Arranged in sheets – Has thick and thin filaments, but not in the same pattern as other muscle types
  • – Two basic types
    • 1. multiunit
      • a. groups of cells function independently
      • b. innervated by autonomic (involuntary) nervous system
      • c. found in large blood vessels, large airways, eye (for adjusting lens and iris), arrector pili
    • 2. single unit (visceral)
      • a. cells electrically linked by gap junctions and contract as a unit
      • b. clusters of cells are self-excitable
        • 1) pass electrical signal to other cells
        • 2) also influenced by ANS
      • c. most smooth muscle in the body is this type (hollow organs)
      • d. uses oxygen to make ATP
      • e. can be influenced by local metabolic changes or hormones

Lever Systems

  • – A lever is a rigid bar that moves on a fixed point (the fulcrum) when a force is applied to it; the force (effort) applied is used to move a resistance (load)
    • 1. bones = levers
    • 2. joints = fulcrum
    • 3. muscles provide the effort
  • – Levers operate in one of two ways
    • 1. mechanical advantage
      • a. load is closer to fulcrum, effort farther from fulcrum
      • b. little effort moves a large load over a small distance
    • 2. mechanical disadvantage
      • a. load is farther from fulcrum, effort is closer to fulcrum
      • b. lots of effort moves a load rapidly over a large distance
  • – Types of levers
    • 1. first-class
      • a. fulcrum between load and effort
      • b. seesaws, scissors, lifting head off chest
      • c. can be mechanical advantage or disadvantage
    • 2. second-class levers
      • a. load between fulcrum and effort
      • b. wheelbarrow, standing on toes
      • c. mechanical advantage
    • 3. third-class levers (most muscles in the body are set up this way)
      • a. effort between load and fulcrum
      • b. tweezers, lifting using biceps
      • c. mechanical disadvantage

Arrangement of Fascicles

  • – Influences range of motion and power
    • 1. longer fibers can shorten more and have greater range of motion
    • 2. a greater number of shorter fibers means more power
  • – Types of arrangements
    • 1. parallel (tend to be less powerful)
    • 2. fusiform (nearly parallel)
    • 3. circular
    • 4. convergent
    • 5. pennate (tend to be the most powerful)

Skeletal Muscle Fibers

  • Myofibrils
    • repeating contractile (sarcomeres) which are made of two protein myofilaments
  • Myosin – thick filament
  • Actin – Thin filament
    • Thick filament (myosin) – small protruding heads which bind to regions of the thin filament (actin)
    • Movement of these two filaments relative to one another causes the lengthening and shortening of the sarcomere
  • Sarcomere
    • Z lines
      • – Each individual sarcomere is flanked by dense protein discs, which hold the myofilaments in place
    • Z discs
      • – The actin filaments radiate out from the Z discs and help to anchor the central myosin filaments in place
    • Striated pattern
      • – produced by recurring sarcomeres along the length of the skeletal muscle fibers
    • A band
      • – center of the sarcomere appears darker due to the overlap of both actin and myosin filaments 
    • I band
      • – peripheries of the sarcomere appear lighter as only actin is present in this region
    • H zone
      • – dark A band may also contain a slightly lighter central region where only the myosin is present 

Group Actions

  • – Functional types of muscles
    • 1. prime mover/agonist: the muscle that has the main responsibility for a particular movement
    • 2. antagonist: opposes the action of the agonist
    • 3. synergist: helps the agonist
      • a. add extra force
      • b. stabilize joint and prevent undesired movement
    • 4. fixator: stabilizes prime mover
  • – One muscle may act as any of the functional types

Origin and Insertion

  • – Origin: the attachment point on the more stationary (less movable) bone, usually proximal
  • – Insertion: the attachment point on the more movable bone, usually distal
  • – The insertion moves toward the origin when the muscle shortens

Naming Muscles

  • – Names may be based on…
    • 1. location
    • 2. shape
    • 3. relative size
    • 4. direction of fascicles and fibers
    • 5. location of attachments
    • 6. number of origins
    • 7. action

Muscles Anatomy
