OBGYN Infections

OBGYN Infections

Vaginal pHDischargeMicroscopyCultureTreatment
Chlamydia TrachomatisThin wateryCytoplasmic inclusion bodies inside epithelial cellsObligate intracellular pathogen, cell cultureAzithromycin
Neisseria GonorrheaThick creamy, gray/whiteGram – diplococci, inside PMNThayer MartinCeftriaxone
Trichomonas Vaginalis > 4.5Yellow/green, profuse, bubbly, frothyTrichomonads, motile, WBC’s > 10/hpfWhiff test (amine odor) – foulMetronidazole orally
Bacterial Vaginosis> 4.5Thin, white (milky), grayClue cells, adherent bacteria, no WBC’sWhiff test (amine odor) – fishyMetronidazole ora/topical,
Vulvovaginal Candidiasis< 4.5 (usually)White, curdy, cottage cheeseBudding yeast, pseudohyphae, Germ tube test+yeast smell Fluconazole

Asymptomatic Bacteriuria

  • Treatment:
    • Cephalexin 250mg po QID 7 day course
    • Don’t use ampicillin – high rates of resistance
    • Urine culture after therapy to ensure cure
      • identify patients with persistent or recurrent bacteriuria



Group B Strep

  • Path:
    • Mom => benign flora
    • Baby => Devastating
  • Pt:
    • 1) + prenatal care (wk 10), asx screening (wk 35)
    • 2) No prenatal care, healthy normal, delivery = toxic baby
  • Dx:
    • 1) UA, UCx
    • 2) Clinical
    • 3) Risk Factors +
      • – GBS baby in past or GBS screen + in past
      • – Prolonged ROM
      • – Intrapartum Fever
  • Tx:
    • Ampicillin (1st time)
    • Cefazolin (PCN allergy)
    • Clinda (life threatening PCN allergy)
    • Vancomycin (last resort)
  • F/U: C-section AND no ROM, no contractions, doesn’t need intrapartum antibiotics


  • Path: Decreased CD4, Increased Mom’s Risk for opportunistic infections, increased viral load, increased infections
  • Pt:
    • 1) Asx screen, + Prenatal care
    • 2) No prenatal care, unknown HIV status
  • Dx:
    • 1st: Eliza
    • Best: Western Blot
    • VL: CD 4
  • Tx: 2 + 1
    • At delivery viral load <1000 +/- (+) HAART) = vaginal
    • If viral load >1000 or (-) HAART then C-section GIVE AZT

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

TORCH infections



  • Path: T. Pallidum (spirochete), STI
  • Pt:
    • 1st = painless chancre
    • 2nd = targeted session on palms + soles EL/LL = + Test, no sxs
    • 3rd = Neruo sxs
  • Dx:
    • 1st = dark field microscope
    • EL/LL = 2nd = RPR –> FTP-Abs
    • 3rd = CSF –> VDRL/RPR
  • Tx:
    • 1st = IM PCN x 1
    • 2nd = IM PCN x 1
      • EL = IM PCN x 1
      • LL = IM PCN q wk x 3wks
    • 3rd = IV PCN q 4hrs x 7-10days
    • Give PCN even if PCN allergic
  • f/u:
    • 1st = dead baby
    • 3rd = snuffles, sabber shins, saddle nose, hutchinson’s teeth



Antibiotics in Pregnancy

  • Safe
    • amoxicillin
    • ampicillin
    • clindamycin
    • erythromycin
    • penicillin
    • cephalosporins
  • NOT Safe (Avoid)
    • tetracyclines
    • nitrofurantoin – only use when there’s no alternative
    • sulfonamides – only use when there’s no alternative

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