Table Of Contents
Contraindications to surgery
- –Absolute: Diabetic Coma, DKA
- –Poor nutrition: albumin <3, transferrin <200,weight loss <20%
- –Severe liver failure: bili >2, PT >16, ammonia > 150 or encephalopathy
- –Smoker: stop smoking 8wks prior to surgery
- If a CO2 retainer, go easy on the O2 in the post-op period. Can suppress respiratory drive.
Goldman’s Index
- Tells you who is at greatest risk for surgery
- –#1 = CHF
- Check EF. If <35%, no surgery
- –#2 = MI w/in 6mo
- Check EKG -> stress test -> cardiac cath -> revascularization
- –#3 =arrhythmia
- –#4 =Old (age >70)
- –#5 =Surgery is emergent
- –#6 =Aortic Stenosis, poor medical condition, surg in chest/abd
- Listen for murmur of AS
- Late systolic, crescendo-decrescendo murmur that radiates to carotids.
- ↑ with squatting, ↓ with decrease preload
- Listen for murmur of AS
Pre-operative Eval
Presentation | Path | Diagnosis | Treatment | |
Cardiac | Heart Failure, EF < 35% MI within 6 mos. | 1. ECG 2. Echo 3. Cath | Stenting + Plavix CABG BB, Ace-I, ASA, Statin | |
Pulmonary | Smokers COPD/Asthma Interstitial lung disease (ILD) | Ventilation issue rather than oxygen | PFTs ABG – low O2 = bad – high CO2 = worse | Smoking cessation for 8 weeks before surgery Quitting closer to surgery is worse |
Liver | Child-Pugh (class A, B, or C) low albumin high PT/PTT high Bilirubin Ascites Encephalopathy | MELD score MELD = 3.78×ln[serum bilirubin (mg/dL)] + 11.2×ln[INR] + 9.57×ln[serum creatinine (mg/dL)] + 6.43 Contraindication: most surgeries | Liver Transplant | |
Diabetic Ketoacidosis | Diabetic with elevated blood glucose | Check sugar | DONT DO surgery!!! IVF + Insulin | |
Nutrition | At risk: – lost 20% of body weight in 3 mos – albumin < 3 – or failed skin anergy test | Need adequate nutrition for healing | CRP, prealbumin to ensure low ablumin is from nutrition Skin anergy test | PO > IV 10 days > 5 days |
Preoperative evaluation checklist
- Meds to Stop:
- Aspirin
- vit E (2wks)
- Warfarin (5 days) –drop INR to <1.5 (can use vit K)
- Take ½ the morning dose of insulin, if diabetic
- If CKD on dialysis: Dialyze 24 hours pre-op
- Check the BUN and Creatinine:
- –if BUN > 100
- There is an increased risk of post-op bleeding 2/2 uremic platelet dysfunction
- Expect on coagulation panel: Normal platelets but prolonged bleeding time
- –if BUN > 100
Vent Settings
- Assist-control -> set TV and rate but if pt takes a breath, vent gives the volume.
- Pressure support (Important for weaning) -> pt rules rate but a boost of pressure is given (8-20).
- CPAP -> pt must breathe on own but + pressure given all the time.
- PEEP (Used in ARDS or CHF) -> pressure given at the end of cycle to keep alveoli open (5-20).
If a patient on a vent
- Best test to evaluate management: ABG
- If PaO2 is low: increase FiO2
- If PaO2 is high: decrease FiO2
- If PaCO2 is low (pH is high): Decrease rate of Tidal Volume
- If PaCO2 is high (pH is low): Increase rate or TV
- Tidal Volume is more efficient to change.
- *Remember minute ventilation equation & dead space*
During Surgery
Presentation | Path | Diagnosis | Treatment | |
Malignant HTN (wonder drugs) | During surgery | Family hx Bad reaction to anesthesia | Dantrolene Cooling O2 |
Post-operative Fever
Problem | Diagnosis | Treatment | Prophylaxis | |
Day 0 | Bacteremia (wound) | Blood cx | Ab | |
Day 1 | Atelectasis (wind) | Neg CXR | Incentive spirometer | Spirometer |
Day 2 | Pneumonia (wind) | Abx Vancomycin + Pip/Tazo for HAP | Spirometer | |
Day 3 | UTI (water) | Urinalysis (leuk esterase +, nitrites +, no epithelial cells) WBC cast | Abx | Remove Catheter early |
Day 5 | DVT (walking) | Bilateral Lower Extremity US | Heparin -> Warfarin | Ambulation Heparin |
Day 7 | Wound (walking) | Cellulitis is visible US (r/o abscess) | Abx | |
Day 10 – 14 | Abscess (wound) | CT scan Drain | Abx |
Fever on POD #1
- –Most common cause, low fever (<101) and non-productive cough: Atelectasis
- Dx: CXR-see bilateral lower lobe fluffy infiltrates
- Tx: Mobilization and incentive spirometry.
- –High fever (to 104!!), very ill-appearing: Nec Fasciitis
- Pattern of spread: In subQ along Scarpa’s fascia.
- Common bugs: GABHS or clostridium perfringens
- Tx: IV PCN, Go to OR and debride skin until it bleeds
- –High fever (>104!!) muscle rigidity: Malignant Hyperthermia
- Caused by: Succinate or Halothane
- Genetic defect: Ryanodine receptor gene defect
- Treatment: Dantrolene Na (blocks RYR and decrease intracellular calcium.
Fever on POD #3-5
- –Fever, productive cough, diaphoresis: Pneumonia
- Tx: Check sputum sample for culture, cover w/ moxi etc to cover strep pneumo in the mean time.
- –Fever, dysuria, frequency, urgency, particularly in a patient w/ a foley: UTI
- Next best test: UA (nitritie and LE) and culture.
- Tx: Change foley and treat w/ wide-spec abx until culture returns.
Fever > POD 7
- –Pain & tenderness at IV site: Central line infection
- Tx: Do blood cx from the line. Pull it. Abx to cover staph.
- –Pain @ incision site, edema, induration but no drainage: Cellulitis
- Tx: Do blood cx and start antibiotics
- –Pain @ incision site, induration WITH drainage: Simple Wound Infection
- Tx: Open wound and repack. No abx necessary
- –Pain w/ salmon colored fluid from incision: Dehiscence
- Tx: Surgical emergency! Go to OR, IV abx, primary closure of fascia
- –Unexplained fever: Abdominal Abscess
- Dx: CT w/ oral, IV and rectal contrast to find it. Diagnostic lap.
- Tx: Drain it! Percutaneously, IR-guided, or surgically.
- –Random -> thyrotoxicosis, thrombophlebitis, adrenal insufficiency, lymphangitis, sepsis.
Post Operative Problems
Altered Mental Status
Presentation | Path | Diagnosis | Treatment | |
ARDS | loud and confused | Noncardiogenic PE | CXR – white out | PEEP |
Delirium Tremens | 48-72 hours after admission HTN Tachycardia diaphoretic hallucinations | Alcohol Withdrawal | Tx: Benzodiazepines ppx: long acting benzo | |
Electrolytes | AMS | Intake in: Feeding electrolytes fluid | BMP | Na and/or Ca replacement |
Hypoxia | AMS + Low Sat | Atelectasis pain from post-op | Pulse oximetry ABG | Oxygen Incentive spirometry |
Sundowning | Elderly | Anti-psychotics |
Acid-Base Disorders
- Check pH -> if <7.4 = acidotic.
- Next Check HCO3 and pCO2:
- –If HCO2 is high and pCO2 is high: Respiratory Acidosis
- –If HCO2 is low and pCO2 is low: Metabolic Acidosis
- Next Check anion gap (Na –[Cl+ HCO3]), normal: 8-12
- Gap acidosis = MUDPILES
- Non-gap acidosis = diarrhea, diuretic, RTAs (I< II, IV)
- Check pH if >7.4 = alkalotic.
- Next Check HCO3 and pCO2:
- –If HCO3 is low and pCO2 is low -> Respiratory Alkalosis
- –If HCO3 is high and pCO2 is high -> Metabolic Alkalosis
- Next Check urine [Cl]
- If [Cl] < 20: Vomiting/NG, antacids, diuretics
- If [Cl] > 20: Conn’s, Bartter’s Gittleman’s.
Breast Cancer
Presentation | Path | Dx | Treatment | Screening |
Asymptomatic: Screen Breast Lump Breast Mass | Estrogen/Obesity Nulliparity Early Menarche Late Menopause HRT Genes: BRCA 1/2 Radiation | < 30 = reassurance x 2-3 cycles < 30 + persists = US < 30 + cyst on US = FNA < 30 + cyst resolves = reassurance Mammogram & Core needle biopsy if: > 30 yo US shows mass Bloody Aspirate Cyst recurs after aspiration | Local Disease: Surgical Therapy Lumpectomy + radiation or Mastectomy Sentinel LN biopsy and then Axillary LN Dissection if + Spread Disease: Systemic Therapy Chemo: doxorubicin, paclitaxel Her 2 Neu+: Trastuzumab ER/PR+: -Tamoxifen (pre-menopausal) -Anastrozole (post-menopausal) | Mammogram: USPTF: start at 50 q 2 years ACS: start at 40 q 1 year Breast MRI: BRCA |
Chest Pain
Presentation | Path | Diagnosis | Treatment | |
DVT/PE | Pleuritic chest pain | – Post-op and bedridden – Highest risk in ortho pts | US bilateral LE CT spiral chest or V/Q scan | Heparin drip -> Warfarin IVC filter only – if no anticoagulation needed |
Myocardial Infarction | Silent MI | – Post-op – Atherosclerosis | ECG Troponins | Morphine Oxygen Nitro Aspirin BB Ace Statin Heparin |
Murmur Buzzwords
Aortic Stenosis
- SEM cresc/decresc, louder w/ squatting, softer w/ valsalva. + parvuset tardus
- SEM louder w/ valsalva, softer w/ squatting or handgrip.
Mitral Valve Prolapse
- Late systolic murmur w/ click louder w/ valsalva and handgrip, softer w/ squatting
Mitral Regurgitation
- Holosystolic Murmur radiates to axilla w/ LAE
- Holosystolic murmur w/ late diastolic rumble in kiddos
- Continuous machine like murmur-
- Wide fixed and split S2-
Mitral Stenosis
- Rumbling diastolic murmur with an opening snap, LAE and A-fib
Aortic Regurgitation
- Blowing diastolic murmur with widened pulse pressure and eponym parade.
Pleural Effusions
- see fluid >1cm on lateral decubitus -> thoracentesis!
- –If transudative, likely CHF, nephrotic, cirrhotic
- If low pleural glucose: 0.5Rheumatoid Arthritis
- If high lymphocytes: Tuberculosis
- If bloody: Malignant or Pulmonary Embolus
- –If exudative, likely parapneumonic, cancer, etc.
- –If complicated (+ gram or cx, pH < 7.2, glc< 60):
- Insert a chest tube for drainage.
- –Light’s Criteria -> transudative if:
- LDH < 200
- LDH eff/serum < 0.6
- Protein eff/serum < 0.5
Spontaneous Pneumothorax
- Spontaneous Pneumothorax -> subpleuralbleb ruptures ->lung collapse.
- –Suspect in tall, thin young men w/ sudden dyspnea (or asthma or COPD-emphysema)
- –Dxw/ CXR, Txw/ chest tube placement
- –Indications for surgery = ipsior contra recurrence, bilateral, incomplete lung expansion, pilot, scuba, live in remote area VATS, pleurodesis(bleo, iodine or talc)
Lung Abscess
- Lung Abscess -> usually 2/2 aspiration (drunk, elderly, enteral feeds)
- –Most often in post upper or sup lower lobes
- –Tx initially w/ abx -> IV PCN or clindamycin
- –Indications for surgery = abx fail, abscess >6cm, or if empyema is present.
Solitary Lung Nodule
- 1st step = Find an old CXR to compare!
- Characteristics of benign nodules:
- –Popcorn calcification = hamartoma(most common)
- –Concentric calcification = old granuloma
- –Pt< 40, <3cm, well-circumscribed
- –Tx: CXR or CT scans q2mo to look for growth
- Characteristics of malignant nodules:
- –If pt has risk factors (smoker, old), If >3cm, if eccentric calcification
- –Tx: Remove the nodule (w/ bronc if central, open lung biopsy if peripheral.
- Pathophys:
- inflammation -> impaired gas exchange, inflammation mediator release, hypoxemia
- Causes:
- –Sepsis, gastric aspiration, trauma, low perfusion, pancreatitis.
- Diagnosis:
- 1.) PaO2/FiO2 < 200 (<300 means acute lung injury)
- 2.) Bilateral alveolar infiltrates on CXR
- 3.) PCWP is <18 (means pulmonary edema is non-cardio
- Treatment:
- Mechanical ventilation w/ PEEP
A patient presents with weight loss, cough, dyspnea, hemoptysis, repeated pneumonia or lung collapse.
- MC cancer in non-smokers:
- Adenocarcinoma. Occurs in scars of old pneumonia
- Location and mets:
- Peripheral cancer. Mets to liver, bone, brain and adrenals
- Characteristics of effusion:
- Exudative with high hyaluronidase
- Patient with kidney stones, constipation and malaise low PTH + central lung mass:
- Squamous cell carcinoma. Paraneoplastic syndrome 2/2 secretion of PTH-rP. Low PO4, High Ca
- Patient with shoulder pain, ptosis, constricted pupil, and facial edema:
- Superior Sulcus Syndrome from Small cell carcinoma. Also a central cancer.
- Patient with ptosis better after 1 minute of upward gaze:
- Lambert Eaton Syndrome from small cell carcinoma. Ab to pre-syn Ca chan
- Old smoker presenting w/ Na = 125, moist mucus membranes, no JVD:
- SIADH from small cell carcinoma. Produces Euvolemic hyponatremia. Fluid restrict +/-3% saline in <112
- CXR showing peripheral cavitation and CT showing distant mets:
- Large Cell Carcinoma
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Esophageal Disorders
Presentation | Path | Diagnosis | Treatment | |
Achalasia | food gets stuck in the esophagus | LES fails to relax | Barium swallow – bird’s beak esophagus Manometry – tight LES | Myotomy Dilation, Botox (inferior to Myotomy) |
Boerhaave | Alcoholic Bulimic Mediastinitis: fever and leukocytosis | Transmural tear air in the mediastinum | 1st: Gastrografin 2nd: Barium swallow Best: EGD if others are negative | Surgery |
Mallory Weiss | Self-limiting UGIB Weekend warriors with severe vomiting | superficial tear | Self-limiting Cont bleed: UGIB: NG tube EGD 2 large-bore IVs Type and Cross transfuse prn | |
GERD | Esophageal burning worse with laying flat and spicy foods better with sitting upright and with antiacids Nocturnal asthma | lower esophageal sphincter fails acid reflux | Alarm sxs: EGD with Bx | No alarm sxs: Lifestyle + PPI GERD: PPIs |
Metaplasia | Increase PPI + Increase Surveillance | |||
Dysplasia | Cryoablation | |||
Adenocarcinoma | Esophagectomy, Nissen Fundoplication | |||
Esophageal Cancer | Dysphagia Odynophagia Weight loss | upper 1/3: SCC – hot drinks, smoking lower 1/3: Adeno – GERD | Barium Swallow (localizes cancer) EGD with Bx | Resection – Esophagectomy |
- Dysphagia to liquids & solids
- Tx w/ CCB, nitrates, botox, or heller myotomy
- Assoc w/ Chagas dz and esophageal cancer.
Boerhaave’s Esophageal Rupture
- If hematemesis (blood occurs after vomiting, w/ subQ emphysema). Can see pleural effusion w/ ↑amylase
- Next best test:
- CXR, gastrograffin esophagram. NO endoscopy
- Tx: surgical repair if full thickness
Diffuse esophageal spasm
- Dysphagia worse w/ hot & cold liquids + chest pain that feels like MI w/ NO regurgitating symptoms.
- Tx w/ CCB or nitrates
Esophageal Carcinoma
- If progressive dysphagia/weight loss
- Carcinoma Squamous cell in smoker/drinkers in the middle 1/3. Adeno in ppl with long-standing GERD in the distal 1/3.
- Best 1sttest: barium swallow, then endoscopy w/ biopsy, then staging CT.
Gastric Cancer
- Adeno most common. Especially in Japan
- – Krukenberg: Gastric Ca -> Ovaries
- – Virchow’s node: L supraclavicular fossa
- – Lymphoma: HIV
- – Blummer’s Shelf: METS felt on DRE
- – Sister Mary Joseph: Umbilical node
- – MALT-lymphoma: H-pylori
Other GI disorders
- –Mentriers = protein losing enteropathy, enlarged rugae.
- –Gastric Varices = splenic vein thrombosis.
- –Dieulafoy’s = massive hematemesis -> mucosal artery erodes into stomach
Gastric Ulcers
- MEG pain worse w/ eating. H.pylori, NSAIDs, ‘roids
- –Work up = Double-contrast barium swallow-punched out lesion w/ reg margins. EGD w/ bx can tell H. pylori, malign, benign.
- –Surgery if – Lesion persists after 12wks of treatment.
Gastric Varices
- If gross hematemesis unprovoked in a cirrhotic w/ pulmonary HTN.
- If in hypovolemic shock:
- do ABCs, NG lavage, medical tx w/ octreotide or SS. B
- balloon tamponade only if you need to stabilize for transport
- Tx of choice:
- Endoscopic sclerotherapy or banding
- *Don’t prophylactically band asymptomatic varices. Give BB.
- Epigastric pain worse after eating or when laying down, cough, wheeze, hoarse.
- Most sensitive test is 24-hr pH monitoring.
- Do endoscopy if “danger signs” present.
- Tx w/ behavior mod 1st, then antacids, H2 block, PPI.
Hiatal Hernia
- Acid reflux pain after eating, when laying down
- –Type 1 = Hernia Sliding. GE jxn herniates into thorax. Worse for GERD. Tx sxs
- –Type 2 = Paraesophageal. Abd pain, obstruction, strangulation -> needs surgery.
Zenker’s diverticulum
- Bad breath & snacks in the AM.
- Only contains mucosa
- Tx w/ surgery
Indications for surgery
- bleeding, stricture, Barrett’s, incompetent LES, max dose PPI w/ still sxs, or no want meds.
Distended Abdomen
Presentation | Path | Diagnosis | Treatment | |
Obstruction | Distended Abdomen | – Adhesion (previous surgery) – Hernias (no previous surgery) | KUB (Xray) – dilation/air-fluid levels proximal to the obstruction – collapsed bowel distal to that SBO or LBO | NG tube decompression Surgery |
Ogilvie | Elderly pt Distended Abdomen bed-bound MC nursing home Nontender but very distended | KUB (Xray) – dilation of ENTIRE large bowel – small bowel normal | Colonoscopy r/o cancer Rectal Tube Pyridostigmine | |
Paralytic Ileus | Days after surgery Distended Abdomen No gas No stool | Metabolic, K | KUB (Xray) – small bowel and large bowel both distended | Ambulation Food intake Fix K |
Presentation | Path | Diagnosis | Treatment | |
Fistula | FRIEND Foreign body Radiation Inflammation/Infection Epithelization Neoplasm Distal Obstruction | LIFT procedure – Remove the fistula |
Duodenal Ulcers
- -MEG pain better w/ eating
- –95% associated w/ H. pylori
- –Healthy pts< 45y/o can do a trial of H2 block or PPI
- –Dx: blood, stool, or breath test for H. pylori but endoscopy w/ biopsy (CLO test) is best b/c it can also exclude cancer.
- –Tx: PPI, clarithromycin & amoxicillin for 2wks. Breath or stool test can be test of cure.
ZE Syndrome
- If MEG pain/ulcers don’t resolve
- –Best test: Syndrome Secretin Stim Test (find inapprop high gastrin)
- –Tx: Surgical resection of pancreatic/duodenal tumor
- –What else to look for: Pituitary and Parathyroid problems.
SMA Syndrome
- A patient has bilious vomiting and post-prandial pain.
- –Pathophys: 3rd part of duodenum compressed by AA and SMA
- –Tx: SMA by restoring weight/nutrition. Can do Roux-en-Y
Abdominal Disorders
Presentation | Path | Diagnosis | Treatment | |
Small Bowel Obstruction | Colicky abdominal pain flatus and BM Obstipation Borborygmi – Absent | Adhesions (If prev GI surgery) Hernias (if NO prev GI surgery) | 1: Upright KUB (Xray) – air-fluid levels 2: CT scan gastrografin po contrast | Complete obstruction: Go to surgery Incomplete: NG Tube decompression….wait 3 days…go to surgery if no change Peritoneal signs: surgery |
Hernias | Abdominal bulge | Direct Hernias: Adults, transversalis, Inguinal hernias males Indirect Hernia: babies, patent processus vaginalis, inguinal ring, inguinal hernia Femoral Hernia: women, under the inguinal ligament Ventral Hernia: post-op, iatrogenic, failure of fascial plane | Physical Exam | Reducible: Elective repair Incarcerated: Urgent repair Strangulated: Emergent repair |
Appendicitis | Umbilical pain that radiates to the RLQ (McBurney’s point) N/V anorexia | Fecalith Transmural necrosis perforation | Surgery – laparoscopic appendectomy | |
Carcinoid | Flushing wheezing diarrhea R sided fibrosis of the tricuspid valve | produces serotonin metastasize to liver to produce sxs | 5-HIAA in the urine Octreotide scan CT scan | Resection Octreotide injections |
Presentation | Path | Dx | Treatment | |
Acute Pancreatitis | epigastric pain that radiates to the back positional chest pain N/V | alcohol gallstones | Increase lipase 3x | NPO IVF Analgesia No improvement: do CT scan |
Necrotizing Pancreatitis | Poor Ranson’s criteria falling Hgb deteriorating pt | severe pancreatitis | CT scan biopsy | Meropenem Serial CTs ICU Surgical drainage & Debridement |
Pancreatic Abscess | days after pancreatitis Fever leukocytosis that fails to resolve | pancreatic infection | CT scan | Abx IR drainage |
Pseudocysts | weeks after pancreatitis early satiety ascites dyspnea | fluid-filled vesicle not lined by endothelium | CT scan | < 6cm, < 6 weeks: observe and wait 6cm or > or > 6 weeks: Percutaneous drain or gastric/duodenum drain |
Chronic Pancreatitis |
Presentation | Path | Dx | Treatment | |
Anal Cancer | anal receptive sex men with men HIV + Anal pap | SCC secondary to HPV | biopsy Assess HIV status | Chemo and radiation (Nigro Protocol) Usually, resection is not needed |
Anal Fissures | Pain on defecation lasts for hours fear of defecation | tight sphincter | visual inspection | sitz bath nitroglycerin paste CCB paste botox injection lateral internal sphincterotomy |
Colon Cancer | Post-menopausal female or any male with iron deficiency anemia alternating bowel habits with changes in the caliber of the stool | R sided bleed, but do not obstruct L sided do NOT bleed, but do obstruct | Colonoscopy | CT scan to stage Resection Chemo (FOLFOX, FOLFIRI) Screening: Colonoscopy |
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis | 1000s of polyps by 20 yo cancer by 30 yo death by 40 yo | genetic | colonoscopy | prophylactic colonoscopy |
Fistula | Fecal Soiling FRIEND Foreign body Inflammation/Infection Epithelization Neoplasm Distal Obstruction | crohn’s disease transmural inflammation local radiation endothelial lined connection from any two organs GI tract to anything (vagina, skin, bladder) | probing | LIFT = Fistulotomy |
Hemorrhoids | Dark blood on the toilet paper after BM rectal pain tenesmus | Internal: BLEED, but DONT hurt External: DONT bleed, but HURT | Visual Inspection | High fiber diet Sitz baths preparation H Internal – Banded External – Resection |
Pilonidal Cyst | Congenital Defect Hairy Butt | Abscessed Hair follicle | clinical | incision and drainage resection of the cyst |
Polyp | asymptomatic: screening colonoscopy | Benign: small pedunculated tubular Problematic: large sessile villous | colonoscopy with biopsy | No polyp = 10 years Benign polyp = 5-7 years Prem |
Ulcerative Colitis | bloody bowel movement plus weight loss associated with PSC, seronegative arthritis | AI – Ashkenazi Jews superficial colitis | colonoscopy = continuous lesions biopsy = superficial inflammation | resection (before cancer) can try monoclonal Ab anti-TNF > 8 years from dx mandatory annual colonoscopy recommended ppx colectomy |
Presentation | Path | Dx | Treatment | |
Arterial Insufficiency Ulcer | peripheral vascular disease – hairless leg – decreased pulses – scaly legs ulcers at tips of toes…dry gangrene | no blood circulating | ankle-brachial index Doppler US Arteriogram | Smoking cessation Stent Bypass Amputation |
Compression Ulcer | bed-ridden patients who didn’t move occur at: shoulders elbows sacrum ankles knees | Rolled out of bed air-mattress | ||
Diabetic Ulcer | diabetic ulcers occur on heels and toes | Neuropathy microvascular | clinical | control blood glucose wound clean amputation |
Marjolin’s Ulcer | wound repeatedly healing and breaking down with a continuous draining tract Ulcer: ugly, deep, heaped margins | punch biopsy | wide resection | |
Venous Stasis Ulcer | edema hyperpigmentation indurated medial malleolus | no blood circulating | clinical | control disease: CHF/Nephrotic/Cirrhosis Compression stockings Unna Boots Elevate legs |
Pressure Ulcers
- Caused by impaired blood flow -> ischemia
- –Don’t culture will just get skin flora. Check CBC and blood cultures. Can mean bacteremia or osteomyelitis.
- –Can do tissue biopsy to rule out Marjolin’sulcer
- –Best prevention is turning q2hrs
- –Stage 1 = skin intact but red. Blanches w/ pressure
- –Stage 2 = blister or break in the dermis
- –Stage 3 = SubQdestruction into the muscle
- –Stage 4 = involvement of joint or bone.
- Management:
- Stage 1-2: get special mattress, barrier protection
- Stage 3-4: get flap reconstruction surgery
- –Before surgery, albumen must be >3.5 and bacterial load must be <100K
Metabolic Disorders
Sodium Abnormalities
- ↓Na = Gain of water
- –Check osm, then check volume status.
- –↑volume ↓Na: CHF, nephrotic, cirrhotic
- –↑volume ↓ Na: diuretics or vomiting + free water
- –Normal volume ↓Na: SIADH, Addisons, hypothyroidism
- –Treatment: Fluid restriction & diruetics
- –If hypovolemic: Normal Saline
- –When to use 3% saline: SalineSymptomatic (Seizures), < 110
- –What would you worry about: 110Central Pontine Myolinolysis
- ↑Na =Loss of water
- –Treatment: Replace w/ D5W or hypotonic fluid
- –What would you worry about: cerebral edema
Other Electrolyte Abnormalities
- ↓Ca = Numbness, Chvostek or Trousseau, prolonged QT interval.
- ↑Ca = Bones, stones, groans, psycho. Shortened QT interval.
- ↓K = Paralysis, ileus, ST depression, U waves.
- –Treatment: give K (kidneys!), max 40mEq/hr↑K
- ↑K = Peaked T waves, prolonged PR and QRS, sine waves.
- –Treatment: Give Ca-gluconate then insulin + glucose, kayexalate, albuterol, and sodium bicarb. Last resort = dialysis
Urinary Disorders
Presentation | Path | Diagnosis | Treatment | |
Urinary Retention | Decreased urinary output Urge to void | urethral obstruction BPH | In and Out cath (post-void residual) | Foley Cath |
No Urine Output | no urine output | Kinked foley obstruction | Unkink and flush foley | |
Acute Renal Injury | -Reduced fluid intake (Nausea) -Increased fluid losses (vomiting and diarrhea) -Urinary tract symptoms (BPH -prostatic disease obstruction -Recent drug ingestion (Paracetamol overdose) | 1) Rise in serum creatinine of 23micromol/L/48hours 2) Urine output <0.5ml/kg/hour for 6 hours | ||
Pre-Renal AKI | -Dehydration -Sepsis -Hemorrhage -Heart failure -Vomiting and diarrhea-Over diuresis with diuretics -Burns (Excessive fluid loss through skin) -Renal artery stenosis -NSAIDS | inadequate blood flow to perfuse the kidney (decreased renal perfusion) | ||
Intra-Renal AKI | -Vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels -Glomerulonephritis -Tubulointerstitial nephritis -Acute tubular necrosis | |||
Post-Renal AKI | -Retroperitoneal fibrosis -renal stone disease -bladder carcinoma -prostatic enlargement (BPH – benign prostatic hyperplasia) -cervical carcinoma | Obstruction to the renal tract (anywhere from the renal pelvis to the urethra) |
Fluid and Nutrition
- Maintenance IVFs: D51/2NS + 20KCl (if peeing)
- –Up to 10kg: 100mL/kg/day
- –Next 10 kgs: 50mL/kg/day
- –All above 20: 20mL/kg/day
- Enteral Feeds: best to keep gut mucosa intact and prevent bacterial translocation.
- TPN: indicated if gut can’t absorb nutrients 2/2 physical or functional loss.
- –Risks = acalculus cholecystitis, hyperglycemia, liver dysfunction, zinc deficiency, other ‘lyte probs