FM Labor and Delivery

The FM Labor and Delivery is part of the Family Medicine section provides High Yield information for the USMLE, COMLEX, Medical School, Residency, and in the future career as a Physician. Prepare and Learn Ahead! Educating, Preparing, and Proving high-yield content, quizzes, and medical resources to students who are interested in the medical field.

FM Labor and Delivery

  • Estimated date of confinement:
    • = 280 days after 1st day of LMP.
    • Usually go into labor w/in 2 weeks of EDC.
    • Labor > 3 weeks before is preterm. 
    • Admit to the birthing unit if membranes have ruptured or in active labor.
  • Signs to confirm rupture of membranes:
    • Amniotic fluid, pH > 6.5 with nitrazine paper (contrast normal secretions < 5.5), and ferning on air dried microscope slide.
    • Blood, semen, or vaginosis, can falsely elevate pH.
  • Rupture > 24 hours can predispose to infection.

3 Stages of Labor

  • Stage 1 = onset to full dilation of cervix.
    • Latent Phase of Stage 1
      • – contractions become stronger, longer, and more coordinated.
    • Active Phase of Stage 1
      • – > 3-4 cm of dilation, rate of dilating is maximal.
      • Contractions are strong and regular. Admit to the hospital for labor management and monitoring.
      • If no epidural, at least 1.2 cm/hr in first birth and 1.5 cm/hr in subsequent. No change for 2 hours → arrest of active phase.
  • Stage 2 = complete cervical dilation (10 cm) through delivery of the fetus.
    • Usually < 2 hours in 1st birth and < 1 hr in subsequent.
    • Epidural can add an hour.
    • Delivery = 4 cardinal movements:
      • Mnemonic: F-I-E-ER.
      • Flex chin to chest,
      • internally rotate the fetal occiput anteriorly,
      • extend the head as it approaches vulva,
      • then externally rotate the head to face mom’s left or right so that one shoulder can be delivered first.
    • If anterior shoulder gets stuck → shoulder dystocia, an emergency.
      • Can treat by hyperflexing the hips (McRoberts maneuver), suprapubic pressure, episiotomy, or rotating the fetal body in the vaginal canal.
  • Stage 3 = after birth through delivery of placenta.
    • Usually < 30 mins.
  • Progression of labor depends on Power (contractions, pushing), Passenger (fetal size, lie, presentation, position), and Pelvis (shape and size).

Fetal Monitoring

  • Monitor fetal well-being w/ continuous or intermittent heart rate monitoring:
    • Continuous – external doppler monitoring or internal electrode (requires membrane rupture)
    • Intermittent auscultation – in low risk, stage 1 = every 30 mins after a contraction, stage 2 = every 15 mins after contraction. In high risk, increase frequency to 15 mins/5 mins.
  • Normal heart rate data:
    • Baseline (= average) btw 110 and 160 bpm.
      • Bradycardia → maternal hypothermia, meds, congenital heart block, fetal distress, or normal variant.
      • Tachycardia → most often maternal fever, also can be meds or fetal arrhythmias.
    • Variability:
      • – affected by any autonomic nervous system factor – sleep cycle, CNS depressant meds, congental neuro problems, prematurity.
      • Fetal hypoxia → acidemia → impaired variability. Normal variability makes acidemia unlikely.
      • Short term variability (requires scalp electrode)
        • = variation in rate from one beat to the next. Normal = 6 – 25 bpm.
      • Long term variability
        • = variability over 1 min, with normal oscillations at 3-5 cycles/min.
  • Periodic heart rate changes from baseline:
    • Accelerations
      • = + 15 bpm for > 15 sec – a good sign, whether spontaneous or after contractions, exam, etc. Rules out fetal pH > 7.2.
    • Decelerations from baseline.
      • Early decelerations coincide w/ contraction
        • – result of compression of fetal head, not a problem.
      • Late deceleration starts at or after the peak of contraction
        • indicate uteroplacental insufficiency! Can happen w/ epidurals, oxytocin → uterine hyperstimulation. Conditions that impair placental circulation will exacerbate – maternal HTN, DM, long pregnancy, abruption.
      • Variable deceleration
        • – abrupt drop and return to baseline, occurs variably w/ respect to contractions. Most common type. Probably due to umbilical cord compression during contractions. Usually not associated w/ fetal hypoxemia.


  • Can assess frequency of contractions w/ external tocodynamometer.
    • Can assess contraction strength by palpating uterus or using an intrauterine pressure catheter.
    • IUPC is useful when 1st stage not progressing, requires membrane rupture.
  • If contractions not enough → IV oxytocin.
    • Can cause uterine hyperstimulation = 6+ contractions/10 mins w/ non-reassuring fetal heart rate abnormalities (e.g. late decelerations).
    • Reduce/discontinue oxytocin, give oxygen via face mask.

Cesarean Section

  • 20% of deliveries are C-sections.
    • Can also use forceps or vacuum assistance if cervix is fully dilated, membranes are ruptured, scalp is presented, and no problem with head/pelvis sizes.

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