The Criteria Summary section for Clinical Medicine Practice provides high-yield information with guidelines about specific diseases in medicine, which are essential as a medical student, resident, and practicing physicians.
Criteria Summary for Clinicians
Curb 65 (community-acquired pneumonia)
To estimate the prognosis for pts with community-acquired pneumonia
- C – Confusion (new change in mental status)
- U – Urea >7 mmol/L
- R – Respiratory rate ³30
- B – Blood pressure <90 systolic or £60 diastolic
- 65 – Age 65
Centor Criteria (strep throat)
For Group A streptococcal (GAS) pharyngitis (strep throat)
- C – Cough absent
- E – Exudate
- N – Nodes
- T – Temperature (fever)
- OR – young OR old modifier
- -1, 0 or 1 point(s) – No antibiotic or throat culture necessary
- 2 or 3 points – Throat culture and treat with an antibiotic if culture is positive
- 4 or 5 points – Rapid strep testing and/or culture.
Dukes Criteria Modified (Bacterial Endocarditis)
- Blood culture positive for IE
- Endocardial involvement
- Fever
- Immunologic phenomena
- Vascular phenomena
- Echocardioraphy minor criteria (eliminated)
- Predisposition
- Microbiologic evidence
Definite Diagnosis from Clinical Criteria:
- 2 (major) + 0 (minor) or
- 1 (major) + 3 (minor) or
- 0 (major) + 5 (minor)
Guiding decision for further imaging for adults/pediatric patients
- – S = Systemic symptoms (e.g. fever, altered level of consciousness, anti-coagulation therapy, pregnancy, cancer, or HIV infection)
- – N = Neurologic signs or symptoms (e.g. papilledema, abnormal cranial nerve function, motor function, cerebellar function, seizure)
- – O = Onset recently (2 wks – 2 mons or suddenly)
- – O = Occipital localization of pain
- – P= Precipitated by Valsalva maneuver
- – P = Positional
- – P = Progressive
- – P = Parent (i.e. lack of family history of headaches)
- – Y = Years (i.e. age <6 yrs
Lights Criteria (Pleural fluid)
- Pleural fluid is exudative if at least one of the following:
- Pleural fluid protein / Serum protein >0.5.
- Pleural fluid LDH / Serum LDH >0.6.
- Pleural fluid LDH > 2/3 * Serum LDH Upper Limit of Normal
- Exudative
- Infections
- Malignancy
- Connective tissue disorders
- Inflammatory disorders
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Transudative
- Cirrhosis
- Nephrotic Syndrome
- Peritoneal dialysis
Modified Jones Criteria (Rheumatic Fever)
- MAJOR Criteria
- C- Carditis
- A- Arthritis (not Arthralgias i.e polyarthritis)
- S- Syndhem’s Chorea
- E- Erythema Marginatum (not nodosum)
- S- Subcutaneous Nodules
- MINOR Criteria
- “PEACH-Fever”
- P- Prolonged PR interval
- E- ESR raised
- A- Arthralgias (not arthritis),
- Acute phase reactants : leukocytosis, elevated sedimentation rate, and C -reactive protein
- C- C-reactive protein increased
- H- History of previous rheumatic fever, rheumatic heart disease
- & Fever
Ottawa Ankle Rule (Xray)
Patients need an ankle X-ray only if:
Mnemonic: 44-55-66-PM
- 4: Unable to do 4 steps immediately AND
- 4: Unable to do 4 steps at Emergency Department
- OR
- 5: Has pain at the base of 5th metatarsal
- 5: Has pain at the 5caphoid (Navicular)
- OR
- 6: Tenderness in 6 cm tip or Posterior edge of lateral Malleolus
- 6: Tenderness in 6 cm tip or Posterior edge of medial Malleolus
PERC rule (Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out Criteria)
- H – Hormone (estrogen) use
- A – Age > 50
- D – DVT or PE history (have they HAD CLOTS?)
- C – Coughing blood
- L – Leg swelling disparity
- O – O2 sats < 95%
- T – Tachycardia (>100bpm)
- S – Surgery or Trauma (recent)
Ranson’s Criteria (Acute Pancreatitis)
For prognosis and mortality risk of acute pancreatitis
- GA LAW (on admission) and Ca&HOBBS (post-admission)
- On Admission
- Glucose > 10mmol/L
- AST > 250 U/L
- LDH > 350 U/L
- Age > 55 years
- WBC > 16 x 109 cells/L
- 48 Hours Post-Admission
- Calcium < 2.0 mmol/L
- Hematocrit fall > 10%
- O2 <60 mmHg
- BUN increase from admission > 1.79 mmol/L
- Base deficit > 4 mEq/L
- Sequestrated fluids > 6L
Score of 3 or more indicates severe acute pancreatitis.
Wells Criteria (Pulmonary Embolism)
Don’t Die Tell The Team To Calculate Criteria
- Don’t (DVT symptoms) 3 points
- Die (Diagnosis most likely PE) 3 points
- Tell (Tachycardia) 1.5 points
- The Team (Three days [at least] of immobilization, or surgery in the past Thirty days) 1.5 points
- To (Thromboembolism in the past [DVT or PE]) 1.5 points
- Calculate (Coughing up blood [hemoptysis]) 1 point
- Criteria (Cancer) 1 point
- 6 High probability of PE
- 2-6 Moderate probability of PE
- < 2 Low probability of PE
- The modified Wells Criteria is a bit simpler: > 4 PE is likely ≤ 4 PE is unlikely
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