Cough/Shortness of Breath

Cough/Shortness of Breath

Cough-Shortness of Breath

ACE Inhibitor Use

Airway Obstruction

Allergic Rhinitis 




Exercise-Induced Asthma

  • Presentation:
    • – During normal breathing via nose → warms and moistens air
    • – When exercise breathe via mouth → inhale colder and drier air
    • – Exercise-induced asthma, muscle bands around airways sensitive to these changes in temperature and humidity → contract → airway narrows
    • – Sx begin 5 – 20 min after exercise started and stop 5 – 10 min after exercise stopped → Sx =
    • – Coughing with asthma
    • – Tightening of the chest
    • – Wheezing
    • – Unusual fatigue while exercising
    • – SOB when exercising
  • Treatment:
    • Medication – albuterol inhaler


  • Presentation:
    • – Localized, irreversible dilatation of part of bronchial tree
    • – Involved bronchi are dilated, inflamed, and easily collapsible, resulting in airflow obstruction and impaired clearance of secretions
    • – Associated with a wide range of disorders, usually from necrotizing bacterial infections, i,e, Staph, Klebsiella sp., or Bordetella pertussis

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)

COPD-chronic bronchitis

COPD exacerbation (bronchitis)

Lung Abscess

Lung cancer/neoplasm



Atypical pneumonia


URI-Associated Cough

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