

  • Path: 
    • The pathologic end stage to any chronic liver disease
    • Results in hepatic fibrosis and loss of hepatic architecture and function

  • Etiology:
    • Chronic HBV and HCV
    • Alcoholism
    • Obstructive disease (stones)
    • NAFLD

  • Presentation:
    • 1. RUQ pain
    • 2. Jaundice
    • 3. Spider angioma
    • 4. Fatigue (most common sx)
    • 5. Itching
    • 6. Bleeding
    • 7. Portal HTN
    • 8. Ascites
    • 9. SBP
    • 10. Varices
    • 11. Hepatic encephalopathy
    • 12. Hepatorenal syndrome
    • 13. Hepatopulmonary syndrome

  • Physical Exam: 
    • Jaundice
    • Hepatomegaly: liver may be normal sized, enlarged, or small
    • spider angiomata
    • Gynecomastia
    • Ascites
    • Splenomegaly
    • Palmar erythema
    • Testicular atrophy
    • Cruveilhier-Baumgarten murmur
    • digital clubbing
    • Asterixis
    • Caput Medusae
    • periumbilical veins swollen secondary to portal hypertension
    • Decreased MAP-Patients may become hypotensive
    • Contributes to hepatorenal syndrome and is a predictor of survival
    • Caput Medusae
    • Decreased MAP-Patients may become hypotensive

  • Imaging:
    • Liver biopsy is definitive BUT
    • Imaging studies with S/S and labs can be used for diagnosis

  • Complications: 
    • Portal Hypertension
    • esophageal/ gastric varices
    • hepatic encephalopathy
    • Ascites

Calculation Scores

  • MELD score:
    • Model for End-Stage Liver Disease- degree of medical urgency (score >15 & complications); higher the bilirubin, higher INR, higher the priority

  • Child-Pugh class:
    • used to determine need for prophylaxis with medication vs band ligation in varices in cirrhosis pts

Esophageal Varices

  • PPX Treatment:
    • Nonselective beta blocker, or
    • endoscopic prophylaxis using endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL).

  • Correct Coagulopathy from variceal bleeding:
    • Fresh frozen plasma, PCC (Kcentra ), and recombinant Factor VII

  • TIPS (Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt- reduces elevated portal pressure):
    • Patients with uncontrolled bleeding and those with early rebreeding

Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy

  • Caused:
    • portal hypertension and results in congestion and hyperemia of the stomach (stomach congestion)

  • Dx:
    • EGD and tx same as varices


  • Purpose of Treatment:
    • Makes the patient feel better with less discomfort (pain/sob) and reduces energy expenditure
    • Protects against Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
    • Reduces risk of abdominal wall hernias, diaphragmatic rupture, and abdominal wall cellulitis

  • Chylous Ascites
    • has a triglyceride content greater than 200 mg/dL (2.26 mmol/L) and usually greater than 1000 mg/dL

  • Treatment:
    • Abstinence from alcohol
    • Restrict dietary Na 2000 mg/day
    • Treat underlying liver disease
    • Diuretic therapy
    • D/c meds that decrease renal perfusion (ACE, ARB, NSAID)
    • Paracentesis for large-volume ascites removal.

  • Can be administered if over 5 liters of ascites fluid is removed:
    • Albumin (25 grams of 25% solution) can be administered to help hemodynamics and prevent hypovolemia.

  • Ascites fluid testing:
    • Opalescent or milky fluid may be due to high triglyceride
    • Brown fluid may be seen if bilirubin is really high or bowel perforation
    • Bloody fluid-traumatic tap; also hepatocellular cancer
    • Cell count and differential: consider antibiotic treatment if >250
    • Culture and gram stain
    • Total Protein: exudate if TP >2.5-3, transudate if <2.5

Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP)

  • Def:
    • Infection of Ascitic Fluid in the absences of an intra-abdominal surgically treatable source

  • Presentation:
    • Pts with cirrhosis and fever, abdominal pain, and altered mental status

  • Diagnosed:
    • Positive fluid bacterial culture
    • Fluid absolute PMN count ≥250 cells/microL

  • Treatment:
    • Empiric, broad-spectrum antibiotics immediately after peritoneal fluid is obtained.
    • SOFA Score <7 
      • Typically 3rd gen Cephalosporin Ceftriaxone or Cefotaxime
    • SOFA Score >7
      • Carbapenem

  • Major cause of death:
    • Renal failure – occurs in 30-40%
    • IV 25g of 25% albumin admin within six hrs of diagnosis, also given if Cr >1

Hepatic Encephalopathy

  • Severity:
    • Grade I: Changes in behavior, mild confusion, slurred speech, disordered sleep
    • Grade II: Lethargy, moderate confusion
    • Grade III: Marked confusion (stupor), incoherent speech, sleeping but arousable
    • Grade IV: Coma, unresponsive to pain

  • Severity Treatments:
    • Grade I: Tx outpt with increase in meds – lactulose given
    • Grade II: may be managed outpt if caregivers are reliable to bring pat back for worsening and pt can reliably take meds.
    • *Pts with more severe HE (grades III – IV) require hospital admission for tx

Hepatocellular Carcinoma

  • Risk Factors (higher risk):
    • hepatitis B
    • hepatitis C
    • nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
    • hemochromatosis

  • Suspicion:
    • Decompensation in a patient with prior compensated cirrhosis should raise clinical suspicion, often asymptomatic until decompensation occurs.

  • Presentation:
    • pain
    • early satiety
    • obstructive jaundice
    • palpable mass.

  • Labs/Imaging:
    • AFP and Ultrasound done every six months
    • (AFP will be elevated)
    • Tumor > 1cm: CT with contrast or MRI with and without contrast


  • Presentation:
    • Most asymptomatic
    • Fatigue, malaise, vague RUQ discomfort

  • Physical Exam:
    • May have hepatomegaly

  • Labs:
    • Incidental finding: elev ALT and AST 
    • mild to mod increase in ALT and AST; Ratio AST:ALT <1 (Unlike alcoholic fatty liver disease in which ratio AST/ALT typically >2)

  • Imaging: 
    • Incidental finding
    • Demonstration of hepatic steatosis by imaging or biopsy
    • *must r/o other disorders

  • Treatment:
    • ETOH- Abstain
    • Hepatitis A and B vaccine
    • Modify risks for CV disease
    • Weight loss
    • Vit E 800 IU/day-For patients with bx proven NASH and fibrosis stage ≥2 who do not have DM
    • Omega-3-fatty acids
    • Atorvastatin-benefit combined with vit E and C
    • Monitor ALT and AST q6mos
    • Can monitor elastography to estimate fibrosis