Emergency Medicine

Fever Treatment

Children15 mg/kg orally10 mg/kg orally
Adults1 g orally400 mg orally


  • CPR at 30:2
  • Next:
    • Epinephrine 1 mg Q3-5 min
    • Consider Vasopressin 40 units in place of 1st or 2nd epinephrine dose
    • Next:
      • Evaluate and treat causes (Hs and Ts)

Hs and Ts

Hypovolemia Volume resuscitation
Hypoxemia intubation
chest tube
H+ (acidosis) Bicarbonate
Hyperkalemia calcium chloride/gluconate
insulin and glucose
Hypokalemia potassium chloride
Hypoglycemia D50
Hypothermia  warming
Tamponade pericardiocentesis
Tension pneumothorax needle decompression
chest tube
Thrombosis (MI) cardiac catheterization
Throbosis (PE) thrombolytic
Trauma ACLS protocol
Toxins or Tablets

Acute Alcohol Withdrawal

  • Treatment:
    • IV fluids – dehydrated
    • IV supplemental nutrition
      • potassium
      • magnesium
      • phosphate
      • thiamine – wernicke encelopathy
      • glucose
    • Benzodiazepines – reduce sxs and prevent delirium tremens
      • diazepam
      • lorazepam
      • chlordiazepoxide
    • Propofol – refractory delirium tremens
    • Intubation and mechanical ventilation – severe withdrawal

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

  • Treatment:
    • high-flow oxygen
    • intubation
    • hyperbaric oxygen

Cat and Dog Bites

  • Treatment:
    • ampicillin-sulbactam
    • piperacillin-tazobactam
    • ticarcillin-clavulanate
    • 3rd gen cephalosporin + metronidazole
    • fluoroquinolone + metronidazole
    • Imipenem-cilastatin
    • meropenem
    • ertapenem
  • Prophylaxis:
    • amoxicillin-clavulanate
    • 1 of these:
      • penicillin VK
      • Cerfuroxime
      • TMP-SMX
      • Doxycycline
      • Moxifloxacin
    • plus:
      • Clindamycin
      • Metronidazole

Cyanide Poisoning

  • Treatment:
    • hydroxocobalamin
    • sodium thiosulfate
    • amyl or sodium nitrate

Emergent Hemodialysis

  • Indications:
    • Metabolic acidosis
    • Hyperkalemia
      • > 6.5 mEq/L
      • Rising rapidly
    • Refractory volume overload
    • Toxic levels of dialyzable drugs and alcohols
    • Uremia

Heat Exhaustion

  • Presentation:
    • difficulty with exercise
    • core body temp 101-104F
    • No CNS dysfunction
  • Dx:
    • rectal thermometer

Heat Stroke

  • Presentation:
    • core body temp > 104F
    • CNS dysfunction
  • Dx:
    • rectal thermometer

Malignant Hyperthermia

  • Causes:
    • Volatile anestheics
      • halothane
      • desflurane
      • enflurane
      • isoflurane
      • sevoflurane
    • Succinylcholine
  • Treatment:
    • stop offending agent
    • 100% oxygen
    • hyperventilation
    • dantrolene
    • Core temp > 39C (102.2F)
      • cool the pt
    • Acidosis
      • bicarbonate
    • Dysrhythmias
      • ACLS protocols
    • Hyperkalemia
      • calcium chloride
      • bicarbonate
      • furosemide
      • insulin and glucose


  • Treatment:
    • Acquired methemoglobinemia
      • avoid triggering agent
        • dapsone
        • topical anesthetics
        • aniline dyes
      • methylene blue or ascorbic acid
      • blood or exchange transfuction
      • hyperabric oxygen

Tetanus Vaccine

  • Td – every 10 years ≥
  • Tdap Booster – 1x between 19-64 Yo
≥ 3 prior tetanus immunizationsUncertain or < 3 prior tetanus immunizations
Non-tetanus-prone wound, LE, clean and minorTd if > 10 years since last doseTd (DT if < 7 Yo) -> complete series (3 total)
Tetanus-prone wound (dirt, contamination, puncture, crush injury)Td if > 5 years since last doseTd (DT if < 7 Yo) + tetanus Ig 250 units IM at a site other than Td -> complete series

Urethral Injury

  • Presentation:
    • high riding prostate
    • blood at urethral meatus
  • Dx:
    • retrograde cystourethrogram